Chapter 5

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We're Happy Without Them

Harry woke up under a silky green blanket wrapped around him and Draco. Thankfully, he woke up early enough so the other slytherins won't see him in Draco's bed. Harry went to lift up his arms to pull himself off the bed, but he could only lift one, Draco was grabbing on tightly to his other arm.


"Where are you going?"

"I need to get out of here before the other slytherins see me." Draco fluttered his eyes open. Then he looked up at him with glistening, grey puppy dog eyes, "No, stay here." He whined and shut his eyes again. Harry couldn't resist, "Alright," He said, wrapping his arms around the blonde man, "I'll stay for a little longer."

30 minutes before breakfast started, Harry and Draco got out of bed to start getting ready. Harry quickly threw on his school uniform, followed by his gryfinndor robes. Draco was already fully dressed. "Come on, we have less than 30 minutes," He moaned.

"I don't want people knowing that im.. with you."

"Harry, it'll be alright. If they don't like it they'll just have to deal with it."

"But I-I haven't really.. came out yet."

"It's okay, just," He grabbed Harry's hand, interlocking his fingers with Harry's. "Just don't be worried about it." He smiled. Harry held tightly to Draco's hand, "No, please,"

"Alright, Alright," He let go of Harry's hand and leaned in to kiss him, "Whatever you want, i'll see you after Potions." They separated and walked to the Hall, smiling a little too much.

The gryfinndors and slytherins whispered to each other all breakfast about them. After Potions, Harry lead Draco into his dormitory, "Draco, everyone was talking about us in the Hall, a think they all know-"

"Harry," Draco put his hands on his shoulders, "If they know then they know. It'll be alright."

"But if everyone knows, I bet they'll hate it, and we won't be happy."

"They do, they do hate it. But we don't need homophobic people to make us... not happy. Im happy to be with you, Harry, and I love you."

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