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The song of the chapter- Come Little Children.


A shadow figure stands in the concrete driveway of a two story brick house. His foot taps the cement impatiently as he checks his wrist watch. He has been there for over an hour now. Something catches his eyes, causing his head to snap up in surprise.

His blue eyes immediately spot
a window filled with light on the second floor. A young girl is staring out her window with her braided hair  flipped over her shoulder. Her elbow is perched on something, so her chin rests in her tiny hand.  The man raises his brow as he glides towards the window. Stopping just out of sight, but in hearing range.

A small sigh escapes the girls lips. Her greyish-green eyes staring up into the cloudless sky, admiring the glittering stars and moon. The man's blue eyes glance at the sky.

It's a beautiful night. Good thing it's not raining. The man thought to himself as he stares at the girl.

"I wish..." the girl starts to say before looking behind her. She turns back with a small frown. She bites her lip as her brows furrow.

What is she thinking about? The man tilts his head. His fingers tugs at his black tie nervously.

The girl takes in a huge breath before exhaling. She narrows her eyes and points her tiny hand to the sky. Her expression is determined as she opens her mouth.

"I wish for a new job." Her light voice travels through the air. Bringing a sudden feeling to stir the man. His breath catches in his throat as he stares with wide eyes at the radiating five yearold girl. Her eyes are glowing  bright green and her once braided brown hair is now floating around her. When she spoke her wish, a green light had shot from her finger causing everything around her to pulse.

The man blinked and stepped back. He has never seen such power come from a mortal before.

The girl sets her hand on the window seal. Her floating hair and glowing eyes are not bothering her in the slightest. She shakes her head, as if she were answering a question.

"The job isn't for me." She explains sadly. "I wish my daddy could find one. He has been sad and angry since he was fired from his last job. Truthfully, I want him to find one, so he can be happy again."

A tear slides down her puffy cheeks. The man's eyes widen, then go back to normal. He shakes his head, barely able to comprehend this girl.

A five year old shouldn't be wasting such a powerful wish on her father. Especially since he has caused her so much pain. The man shakes his head as his hands form into fists. All he wants to do is fly up there and wipe her tears away.

"I want daddy to be happy. If he is happy, then mommy will also be happy!" She pleads to the burning stars, as tears leak from her beautiful eyes. Her hands are intwined in front of her face as she bows her head.

Her head snaps up, her eyes huge from surprise. She wipes her cheeks and eyes with her sleeve. Her hair is now at her sides, and her eyes are no longer glowing. She shakes her head before smiling and disappearing from the mans sight. Not long after she disappeared, the light disappeared. Leaving only darkness.

The man wipes a stray tear from his cheek. He shakes his head sadly. That was ment for only the girl and the gods to witness. I should not have been here.

He checks his watch's been twenty minutes. He shakes his head and heads back to the driveway. A box is waiting for him in the middle of the driveway. Knowing not to ask questions, he glides to the box. He squats, and pulls the lid off of the box.

As usual there is a bag of cash, an envelope, a knife, a flip phone, a black top hat, a bag of marbles, and a pistol. He pulls out the envelope and tears the it open with his thumb. He pulls out the directions. Unfolding the paper he scans the words, causing a vein to move in his defined jaw.

Next target:

Crystal Dawning.


Bring back dead or alive. Either will work.

The light turns back on, so he glances up to see the girl. He glides back to his spot and watches her. She is smiling this time.

"Thankyou for listening!" She whispers.

"Crystal, you better be in bed when I come in there!" A woman yells. The girl sighs.

"Yeah, yeah." She says to herself. "I'm in bed mommy!" Crystal yells back before disappearing.

The mans jaw drops. The paper slips from his fingers and floats to the ground. That was the girl he is supposed to kidnap. He blinks in shock, unable to comprehend what he just heard.

But she is so young...

He shakes his head before rising a hand to cover his face. In all of his time, the man has never had to target a five year old...until now.

He turns and punches the tree beside him. He looks down at his stinging hand for a second before sliding it through his hair.

He has the assignment he was waiting for. So he should get to work. The man picks up the paper then shoves it into a pocket. No matter how wrong it seemes the man will never refuse a job. He has to provide food for his own five yearold daughter.

He glides back to his box setting the lid back on it. He picks the box up before leaving the house without another glance.


THE END...of the prologue :) Hope you like the like it so far!

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