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I stared at the stars in amazement. Wondering how can they be so bright, even when many of them are dead? I  reached my hand out, trying to touch the stars. Reaching for their beautiful souls. Wishing I could grab hold of them and find a place in my soul to keep their memories safe. So they would know they will always be remembered. How they preserve their lives by shinning...showing themselves to me this very night, I will never know.

I let my arm fall to my side in the soft grass. A breeze tickled my skin, for I am only in my night-gown. My memories are a bit blurred on why I came here in the first place.

I just have no idea why I chose this particular spot. Even though the sky is amazing tonight. I guess this is another dream.

The grass behind me rustled, but I was too engulfed in thought to notice. The only sounds where the "clicks" of the crickets and the "Howls" of the wolves. Yes, we have wolves surrounding our property...hints the fact our mansion is in the middle of nowhere.

Tonight...I feel peaceful and I could do anything. Like anything could happen and I would be ready for it. I wasn't ready for the fire...when I lost my mother, father, and brother five years ago. They...everyone keeps telling me, trying to convince me, that it was not my fault. In a way I guess it wasn't...but in others it was. I agree out loud, while I disagree silently. I guess they can see right through me because they keep doing it.


Images of my mother screaming behind the locked door invade my mind, my father laying on the floor beside me, my brother pounding on the door our mother was stuck behind...while I stared at the cause...frozen.

Everything was bright as angry flames engulfed everything it set its eyes on. A lump formed in my throat as the sound of my mother's screams, my brothers pounding, and my fathers low, pained groaning reached my ears. Tears stung my eyes and fear clutched my heart as I stared at the man.

The man I let in...the man who stabbed my mother, father, and brother. The man who was staring at me with blazing red eyes. His black and white suit covered in my family's blood. His Black hair ruffled from the fight my father had put in...yet he was no match for this man.

With his deadly gaze trained on me, the man took slow steps to me until he was right in front of me. I felt a tug at my hand and a squeeze. I barely noticed it because all of my focus was trained on the man. A scream was stuck in my throat as he lifted a bloodied knife into the air.

"I'm sorry, my friend... I hope you can forgive me." A familiar voice whispered into my ear, "But you cannot die just yet...your destiny is far too important than anything else. You will be confused, and I wish I could be there with you, but as your protector and best friend, I cannot let you die."

Her voice was filled with more emotion than I had realized back then. She released my hand and stepped in front of me just as the knife came flying down...and instead of slid into my friend's chest.

Everything seemed to continue in slow motion. She and I stood there for a while, her body and my heart were in shock of what had just happened. The man backed away and ran out of the still burning house. She and I fell at the same time, and the scream escaped my throat. Huge and hot tears started rolling down my cheeks as I caught my friend and set her head on my lap. She looked up at me, tears streaming from her own eyes. A ghost of the once bright smile played at her lips. Shadows bounced around her face.

"Crystal," She whispered, her voice strained and soft, "I want you to..."

"NO!" I exclaimed desperately, "No no c...can't d...d...die yet! Your too young...and you're my only friend! You can't can't" I whispered the last part, my voice breaking into a sob. She pressed a cold hand on my hot face. At the time I didn't understand how she could be so cold in a house that was blazing with heat. Her smile was gone and her eyes intense.

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