What the fuck Nathan?

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Chapter 3

When I woke up in the morning I felt Nathan's arms around my waist. I looked over and he was still sleeping next to me, he's beautiful when he sleeps. I slowly got up out of bed to go to work, trying not to wake him up as I moved. Its so cold in here. I looked around and noticed my clothes on the floor. "Shit." I walked over to pick up my clothes but my underwear wasn't there. I walked over to Nathan, "Hey love, have you seen my underwear?" "huh?" he looked up , blinked, and looked around. "Nevermind Nath. Can I take a pair of yours?" He nodded still half-asleep. "Wait, you're leaving me?" he sounded distressed. "No, just for now I'll be back after work. Go back to sleep love." He started to nod again but fell back to sleep. I grabbed a pair of his boxers and got dressed. I grabbed my purse and ran over to the bed to give Nathan a kiss goodbye. "Babe, please don't go." he mumbled. "I want to stay but I have work. I love you." He mumbled something I couldn't understand and fell back asleep. I walked out the door and towards my car. I got in and headed to work at topshop.

When I got home I logged onto my twitter account hoping to get a DM from Nath. Instead I see tons of tweets. Normally I get a few, but not that many tweets. I start to go through them and then i see this one comment, "you're a skanky bitch and you didnt deserve nathan. you need to watch yourself." I feel my eyes begin to tear up. Who is this? No one knows about us. I pick up my phone and dialed. "Hey love, is something wrong?" sometimes I really hate the sweetness of his voice.

"What the hell is going on with twitter? Someone tweeted me saying that I was a skanky bitch Nathan. What are you not telling me?"

"Oh you're talking about that. You really should get out more love, check some magazines."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Just look alright I need to go"

"Wait, Nath-" the line went dead.

I went to my computer and opened up safari, I typed in "nathan sykes and girlfriend" What I see, is not what I wanted to see. OK magazine had an article about me and nath. "Nathan Sykes and Unknown Girlfriend Caught Exiting Restaurants and Out on the Street. Exclusive Interview With Nathan"

"damn it, just shit" I opened up the article only to see tons of pictures of us on the streets. Then i see a quote in bold. "I'm honestly not sure where we're at right now, we don't talk much. I'm not really sure what we are anymore" the tears flooded to my eyes. I kept reading. "Nathan says he doesn't really feel like talking about it. He also says that he's not sure why they went out in the first place."

"no oh god please no. we text all the time what is this talking about, what was he talking about?"

then there was a poll. " How long do you think they'll last? 88% of voters said they're done for. 21% voters said a few more weeks, 1% voters said they're not breaking up. Vote Now!"

I closed my computer and put it on the floor. I covered myself in sheets and cried myself to sleep.

I woke up and stretched around a bit. God I was hungry. I went to grab my phone to call Nathan but then I remembered. My eyes started tearing again, but I called Tom instead. After about 6 rings I have up. I tried ringing Jay and he picked up after 2 rings. "Ello Lorrie!" "Hey Jay." I was trying not to cry. "Are you okay? You sound depressed." "Yeah I'll be fine. Hey do you want to get together for breakfast?" "But what about Nathan?" "He won't mind." "Ok I'll be right over." "Bye" the line went dead and I slid onto the floor against the wall with my knees tucked into my chest, crying. 5 minutes later my doorbell rang. "It's open!" i couldnt hear the door opening so I walked up to get it. "Hey Lorrie." He looked startled for a minute. Oh shit my eyes must be red and poofy. "Have you been crying?" "Maybe a little bit." "Alright well let's get some food and we'll talk alright?" "Ok. Just let me go get dressed." I ran up there and grabbed sweats and a tank top with a jacket. Then I realised that Nathan had given me this jacket. It was leather. I wore it anyway and headed back downstairs. Jay looked my up and down then opened his arms for a hug. I ran into them thankfully and squeezed as hard ad I could. I heard him laugh a little bit and he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and started out the door. I screamed but I was laughing at the same time. He put me in the car and we started driving towards a cafe. This was actually the cafe where Nath formally asked me out. I got out of the car and me and Jay walked in. He ordered us tea and some muffins. "Thanks for doing this Jay." "It's nothing Lorrie as long as you tell me by you're upset, you don't owe me anything." "Well I've been getting all this hate on twitter because Nathan did an interview with Ok! magazine and they mentioned seeing us together and he said-" I started crying in the middle. "Here." Jay handed me a napkin and I dried my eyes. "Can I just show you what he wrote?" "Sure whatever makes you happy." he passed over his iPhone and I found the article. I handed him back his phone and looked away as he read it. "This is terrible. He would never say stuff like this." Jay looked in disbelief. "But he is Jay you can see that he did." "This isnt like him though." there was an akward silence. "Im going to the loo I'll be right back." Jay got up and left. I folded my arms on the table, put my head down and sobbed quietly hoping no one would notice. Jay came back after a few minutes and sat back down. "I've just invited Nathan to come and join us." "What?! Why Jay? Whyy would you do this?" "You two need to talk about what happened." I crossed my arms and just waited for Nathan to come and see what would happen. I heard the bell on the door ring and I looked up to see...


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