Beautiful Baby

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Nathan's POV:  

I finally got that slut of of me and ran after Lorrie. I ran to what was our favorite bench figuring she'd be there. And there she was, kissing Tom. "You wanted to get back at me did you?" She pulled away from him looking flustered. "Oh you enjoyed it didnt you.-" "Back off mate." "Didnt you?! And don't tell me to back off. She was mine before all of this. I can't believe you Lorrie. You disgust me." Tom started walking towards me. "Watch yourself." he growled. I punched him in the face as he started walking away. He instantly swung back and hit me in the chest. "Stop it! Please just listen to me! Nathan it wasnt what it looked like. You don't understand! Please just stop fighting!" she kept crying out but neither of us listened. "Tom, please you know he has mild asthma don't do this to each other." I aimed for Tom's face as Lorrie jumped inbetween us, Tom getting her in the stomach. She winced as she fell to the ground crumpled. "You fucking bitch! Her legs alresy broken!" "At least I didnt distort her beauty!" "No one could ever distort her beauty. I guess you never saw that." I picked up Lorrie and carried her bak to the house. Tom just stayed on the bench. I kicked open the door, "Parties over guys! Everyone out! See you soon! Siva help please!" Siva ushered people out as they started at Lorrie in my arms. We let Karla stay because Jay seeme to have taken a likening to her and Lorrie would want her to be there in the morning. I payed Lorrie down on my bed. I pushed the hair out of her face and stared at the mark I'd left on her face. "I'm so so sorry Lorrie. I would never do anything like this to you on purpose." I put ice over her eye and wrapped her stomach in one of my old shirts. I held her head in my lap waiting for her to wake up. Her eyelids began to flutter and she stated up at me. "Nathan?" she smiled weakly up at me and winced from her cheek moving. "Do you feel ok? I didn't mean to punch you. That was meant for Tom. I would never do anything like that to you." she started to try to sit up but winced when her stomach shifted. "It doesn't hurt that much." she lied. " I just have to know-" she hesitated. "What happened with that girl?" I growled audibly. "You mean that slut that threw herself on me? You know I wouldn't do something like that ever to you. Especially not after what happened at the store. I promised it was nothin else." She nodded and winced. "What was going on with you and Tom?" She had a pained face on and winced at the expression. "After I saw you with that girl I thought what happened at the store hadn't meant anything to you. I was going to leave and come back to get my stuff in the morning, but Tom wouldn't let me leave. He kept telling me he would never cheat on me or hurt me. He was trying to prove himself better than you. Then he tried to kiss me. I was pulling away as you walked over. That was it. And I didn't enjoy it Nathan, I didn't!" she started to sob. I can't believe I had hurt her so much over one comment.  

Lorrie's POV:

I started sobbing and he kissed me softly on the lips and layed down next to me. I kept thinking about how much I'd hurt him and cried more. Every tear that hit my bruise stung just a little. "What's wrong love." "I'm so sorry about all of this. This is my fault. I've hurt everyone." "It's not your fault love." his grip tightened on my hip as I cried more. He didn't even know yet. I wasn't done with everything that couldve hurt him.

3 hours later...

I woke up in a sweat, my stomach in pain. Please no baby. Stay in there you're not ready yet. You're too early. I placed a hand on my stomach and felt the next contraction. I tried not I scream. I can't be Jacob the baby yet. He doesn't even know yet. I put up my hair and ran into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and all I saw was a scared 19 year old carrying her boyfriend's baby, that he didn't even know about yet.

1 hour later...

What would've been our baby sat in front of me. I knew it had been way to early for this to have been normal. There was blood all around me. The baby would've been beautiful. I can't believe I'd had a miscarriage. Nathan walked in as I was sobbing. He say down next to me and just stared at it. "Why didn't you tell me? I would've been ok with it." "i wanted to tell you at the store yesterday but you seems so happy. I didn't want to do that to you." "We would've had a beautiful baby." I sobbed into his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me. "I'm so so sorry." He made shushing noises and rocked me back and forth. "We could try again you know." "What?! Nathan, this wasnt even on purpose. This was just a stupid accident." "But don't you see this, we would have the most beautiful child." "Nathan,you have fans, you have a band, we're not even married. We're 19 Nathan. We're not ready to have kids." "The fans would have to accost it. And the true fans would be happy for us. The boys would be supportive. And one day we will be married." He looked at me with those beautiful eyes. I didn't deserve someone as perfect as him. "You really think so?" Nathan nodded and kissed my forehead. He hugged me close to his chest and I could feel his heart beating. "I'll do it. I'll try." "I love you, I love you so much." I felt his tears hit my back as the other boys and Karla walked in. Siva gasped and me an Nathan separated. "I'm so sorry guys. Please don't tell Jayne." I sobbed grabbing Nathan's arm. "Was it a miscarriage?" Jay looked at me sadly. I nodded as Nathan kissed the top of my head. "I'll go explain to them." he walked out with the boys as Karla walked in. "You should've told me. I would've helped you." "I could barely believe it myself. And now he wants to try again. He wants kids. We aren't ready yet." "Just don't let him push you to do anything you don't want to do. If ou want to wait but he won't, take a break for a little bit." "We're 19 Karla." I cried in her arms The boys walked in looking to be on the verge of tears. Karla got up to be by Jay. "Just don't forget I'm here for you." The boys looked at me and Nathan sadly. "Let's go give it a proper funeral yeah?" Nathan looked at me and I nodded. He came back with a box. I picked up the baby and kissed it's forehead and Nathan did the same. We closed the box and tied a ribbon around it. A hole was dug outside, we wrote on a rock and buried our baby forever. We walked inside and started making breakfast. "Bacon sarnie and a cuppa?" I nodded and Nathan got to work. "Can we wait for a bit before we try again?" he looked up. "Of course. Whenever you're ready love." Karla walked downstairs smiling. I've got myself a boyfriend." "You and Jay really hit it off then?" Nathan snickered. "Yep." Nathan put he food down in front of me. "Thanks love." "No problem." he leaned over and kissed me on the head. " Oh get a room!" Karla laughed. "We've already got one." we laughed together and Nyhan went to watch Manchester United vs. Manchester City.

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