|| Chapter One ||

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Tom sighed and put his chin in his hand. Tapping his fingers on the desk, he tuned out the long, boring lecture of the teacher. His eyes darted over to the clock:  7:56.

'Today's barely begun and I already want to leave...' He thought. With a huff, Tom began to slowly close his eyes, drifting off into the welcoming abyss of sleep.

"Mr. Holland!" The teacher snapped. Tom whipped his head up to meet old Ms. Turner's gaze. "Are you with us?" 

Tom gave a heart-stopping smile. "Of course, Ms. Turner. Just thinking, is all." 

Ms. Turner practically melted at his smile, and she couldn't help her old, dry lips when they started to make a small smile of their own.

"It's alright, Tommy. Just wanted to make sure I had you're attention." She said as she winked at him, then turned around and continued teaching. Tom's smile immediately morphed into that of a grimace as he noticed that Ms. Turner had just attempted to flirt with him.

Small snickers could be heard, and Tom turned around to face a couple of girls who had been watching. He gave them a smile and wink of his own, and they giggled and blushed over the gesture like  six year olds.

Tom turned back around and silently scoffed. 'Girls... They're too easy.' He thought.

As the lesson droned on and Ms. Turner continued her monologue on the Russian Revolution, Tom found himself watching the clock. 

'Thirty more minutes and six more classes to go...'

"Psst. Tom. Hey - Tom."

Tom turned around to face his neighbor and best friend since birth, Harrison Osterfield.

"Yeah?" He whispered back.

"Did you hear the news?" Tom furrowed his brows at Harrison's odd question.

"What news?"

"The news? About the girl?" Tom just merely continued to stare at Harrison blankly, waiting for him to explain. Harrison sighed.

"There's a new girl. From America! And based on the rumors... She's REALLY pretty..." Harrison said whilst smirking. Tom seemed to catch on to what he was saying and gave small smirk of his own.

"Well, whatd'ya say? Are you going to get her?" Harrison asked. Tom gave him a smug look.

"Of course! If I didn't catch a pretty girl, then what kind of a playboy would I be?" Harrison scoffed at his friend's cocky attitude.

"You seem quite sure of yourself." 

Tom leaned back in his chair and smiled at his friend.

"Well, yeah! After all, who could resist me?"


*A/N Hey there! Thank you for reading Chapter One of Things Change! I just want to apologise in advance and say that most of these chapters will probably be short, and I won't update too often because of school and church. Anyway, thank you again, and I hope you are enjoying this book so far!*

Things Change || Tom Holland x Reader || DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now