|| Chapter Four ||

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*A/N hey guys sorry for the long wait, but school has been draining the life out of me lately and I haven't been feeling the greatest... I also haven't had much motivation to write :/

Enjoy I guess*


He's a playboy. It's obvious.

I could tell the second I walked into the room. I saw lots of stares - I don't blame them, I'm new - but the look he was giving me was one that was all too familiar. 

'Good thing I'm not stupid,' I thought. Internally, I snorted at myself. 'Well, if that ain't a big fat lie, I don't know what in the Nine Realms is.'

When the class let out, I went to my locker. I took a small, printed map of the school from my binder and highlighted the class I had just been in. 

"Just so I don't forget," I told no one in particular as I wrote , 'Ms. Turner. First Period' on the map. 

Not wanting to be late on my first day, I hastily stuff my belongings into my backpack. Closing the locker, I turn around and begin to speed walk in the direction I assume my next class is... Until I hit a wall.

I grunt at the impact and gasp when my belongings go flying across the ground. I look up in shock... Only to find the playboy.

So that's his game, huh? A 'meet cute'? How typical.

"I'm so, SO sorry!" He says, bending down to pick my stuff up. "I wasn't looking where I was going! I'm so clumsy!"

I'm about to retort back and tell him off, saying that I wasn't a pathetic little play thing and he wasn't going to get me but...

Where's the fun in that?


His name's Tom. Tom Holland. And he's actually a really sweet guy.

At least, that's what he wants me to think.

He's the type of boy that will only keep you around until he loses interest in you, or someone way more hot just passed by.

 It's his reputation, and who am I to stand in his way?

Don't worry! I'm not gonna DATE him or anything... But I might toy with him for a bit to see how he likes it.

What could go wrong??

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