|| Chapter Three ||

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*A/N Enjoy:)*


When class was over, Tom went over everything he had observed about the girl: she seems shy, she was nice, didn't like to show off much skin, was very casual, and most importantly: she was EXTREMELY pretty...

She also seemed like she would be the type to appear tough but actually is a hopeless romantic on the inside, so he decided it would be best to approach her with a "meet cute".

Basically, he's.just gonna bump into her in the hallway and make small talk.

He spotted her by her locker, just closing and locking it, and making her way in his direction. He got his phone out and pretended to be looking at something as she drew nearer. As soon as she got close enough, he casually moved so that he would hit her right side as they walked passed each other. 

She gave a low grunt and a soft gasp as her papers and textbooks went flying through the air and onto the floor. She looked at Tom, trying to determine whether it was on purpose or if it was an accident.

"I'm so, SO sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going! I'm so clumsy..." He said as he helped her gather her things.

"Oh, it's no big deal. It happens." She said coolly. He pretended to be astonished as he handed her items back to her.

"Y-Your American?!" He said. She chuckled and gave a shy smile.

"U-uh, yeah. Yeah. Why? Is that... A bad thing? Or-" She asked.

"Oh no no no! It's not! Sorry- it's just that- Well, I've never heard someone with an accent in person before..." She smiled.

"Well, there's a first time for everything, I guess." After a moment of silence, Tom stuck his hand out.

"I'm Tom, by the way. Tom Holland." He said. She shook his hand.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)."

"That's a pretty name."

Her lips parted slightly and her cheeks were dusted by a light shade of pink.

'Perfect. I'm getting to know what makes her tick.' He thought.

"So, (Y/N),  what's your next class? Can I see your schedule?" At this, she fumbled a little but to balance the items in her hand, and he helped her to fit it all in her backpack, but she eventually pulled out the schedule from the front pocket of her binder and handed it to him.

He briefly looked over it and was ecstatic at what he saw. "Wow! It looks like you and I have almost all the same classes! Except that our P.E. and study hall times are switched... But everything's pretty much the same!"

He didn't have to pretend to be excited as he handed her schedule back to her, in fact he was practically dancing inside. He silently thanked the office staff for making his job easier.

"Sweet!" She said. "So... You wouldn't mind showing me where all of our classes are, right? I don't really know my way around..."

"Oh, no! Not at all!" He exclaimed. "Our next class is Algebra. It's on the second story, and the teacher hates it if we're late. C'mon!"

They walked in the long hallway, side by side, talking to each other as if they had known the other for all their life. Eventually, they made it to the classroom. Tom held the door open for her as she thanked him and stepped inside. He made his way to his seat in the back row and motioned for her to come sit next to him. Usually, that was Harrison's seat, but he understood that Tom would need it sometimes for the girls he was playing at the moment, so he didn't mind. Tom smirked to himself as (Y/N) started telling a story about her last math teacher and how everyone hated her.

'This is too easy...'


*A/N ok, so if you've read my Peter Parker One-shots book, you would know that I promised to make a Peter Parker x Reader book once that hit 2k. Well, it's currently at 1.5K, and I haven't even started working on the first chapter. So, when this book hits 1K, I MIGHT make a Peter Parker x Reader book, but that depends on if I feel I can keep up with all three books are a time. There is no final decision yet. 

Anyway, I hope you are enjoying this story! I'm having fun writing it! And sorry for the short chapters, It's usually like 3 am when U write these...*

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