|| Chapter Two ||

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*A/N This is for you, @GeekyCookie1 !*


Tom made sure to look his very best on the day the new girl would be arriving. He slicked back his chocolate-brown hair with just the right amount of gel, put on his cleanest pair of Adidas he owned, and washed his outfit for the day.

He had, after some struggling, decided to wear a fitted, white T-shirt with an army green bomber jacket. He had put on light-colored ripped jeans and replaced the laces in his shoes. It wasn't much, but it would do.

He admired himself in the mirror and gave himself a wink.

'Damn. I look good.' He thought.

He made his way into the kitchen where his mum was cooking a pile of bacon.

"Morning, Mum." He said as he kissed her on the cheek.

"Good morning Tom! I'd love to stay and talk, but I have to get to work. You should take some bacon and go, or you'll be late for school." She said as she wiped her greasy hands on a paper towel and walked off into the hallway yelling, "Sam! Harry! Wake up! You're late for school! You too, Paddy!"

Tom chuckled to himself. He would miss his Mum when he moved out next year. Not feeling very hungry, Tom grabbed a single slice if bacon and made his way to the door, passing his father on the way. 

Neither of them spoke to each other. They weren't mad at each other, in fact, it was the opposite. They were playing a game to see how long they could stay quiet with each other. Their record was three days.

As he closed the front door to his house, Harrison was also walking out of his.

"Hey Haz!" Harrison looked over at his friend.

"Morning, Tommy." His eyes skimmed over Tom, taking in every detail. "Damn. You look good."

Tom smirked. "I know."

They began walking down the street in the crisp morning air, taking in the lazy Monday aura. Tom looked around the street to make sure it was empty before he spoke again.

"So. The new girl. It's her first day today, right?" He asked his friend.

"Yep. And she has first class with us, too!" Harrison answered.

"How do you know?"

"I overheard the teachers in the lunch room. Ms. Turner talks especially loud..." Tom laughed and clapped his friend on the back.

"Well played, Haz! Spying on the teachers? I'm surprised you didn't get caught!" Tom said as he chuckled to himself. Harrison merely huffed in annoyance.

"Har har har. Laugh all you want, Tommy. I'm just recalling that a certain someone might like their airpods back?" Haz said with a smirk. Tom gasped.

"It was you, wasn't it? You stole my airpods!" Haz laughed as Tom pretended to be mad. "I got poor Sam in trouble for it, too."

As they entered the school and made their way to their lockers, which were convienently right next to each other, Haz asked Tom a question.

"So, Tommy. What's your game plan, eh? How are you gonna win over the new girl?" Tom sighed as he exchanged items in and out of his locker.

"You know how it is, Haz. I can't jump on her right away. I have to make a good first impression. I have to see what she likes. If she likes it slow, I'll take it slow. If she likes it fast, I'll take it fast. If she's a weirdo..." He shut his locker and turned to face his friend, "Well, you can't get everyone, can you?"

Haz shook his head as the bell rang for first class. "Go get her, tiger." The two friends chuckled before settling in to start the day. 

About ten minutes into class, the door opened, and Principal Morita stepped into the doorway. He looked out on the crowd of teenagers and spoke.

"Good morning, class."

"Good morning, Principal Morita." The class droned.

"Sorry to interrupt your class, Ms. Turner, but I brought the new student." The class erupted in curiosity. Some were excited to get a new classmate, some seemed quite annoyed at having another desk to fill, and some just didn't care. Tom, on the other hand, was staring behind the principal and trying to catch a glimpse of the new girl.

"Oh, you're fine! No need to worry!" Ms. Turner said. She cocked her head to the side in an attempt to talk to the figure behind the principal. "You can come in, sweetie. Don't be shy."

The principal moved aside and, after a moments hesitation, a small, slim girl stepped inside. Tom smirked as he took in every detail of her;

She had (H/L),  (H/C) hair that framed her face perfectly. Her plump, pink lips sat on smooth (S/C) skin. Her (E/C) eyes curiously scanned the crowd until they landed on Tom's.

For some reason, Tom got a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach when she looked at him. Brushing it off, he decided to focus on her outfit instead. 

She didn't seem like the type to wear anything too revealing, as she was currently wearing a striped t-shirt tucked into black jeans with a light Jean jacket on top and white shoes that looked cleaner than his.

She didn't seem like the type to wear anything too revealing, as she was currently wearing a striped t-shirt tucked into black jeans with a light Jean jacket on top and white shoes that looked cleaner than his

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'She's not that bad...' Tom thought to himself. He only looked up at her face when she spoke.

"Hi." She said. It wasn't to him, it was directed at the whole class, but she had been looking at him, and for some reason, Tom felt special.

"Go on, introduce yourself! Don't be scared!" Ms. Turner encouraged her. The girl took a deep breath and began speaking.

"Um, hey. I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N). I'm from Queens, New York in the United States of America, aaaand... I just moved here last month."

Tom gave a dreamy sigh. Her voice was like honey, and her American accent made it intriguing to listen to her talk. Her face was calm when she talked, and Tom noticed how she fiddled with the ends of her jacket as she spoke-

Tom shook his head. 'What the hell am I thinking? She's just another game... Just another thing to add the the collection. Nothing more.' He closed his eyes and gave a small exasperated sigh. 

He would have to step up his game. This was no ordinary girl.

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