7. the castle arrival

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The two tall light brown doors with beautiful black iron swirls which decorated the set were opened by two guards standing by each door. You had finally arrived at the castle. You were still in awe trying to take in the beautiful exterior of the tall white castle, but Prince Moonbin took your hand and brought you inside.

You both walked across the long red velvet carpet to the inside of the castle. Right away you could tell you were in the throne room of the castle as you saw a set of royal looking chairs at the end of the room which the red carpet stopped at.

The ceiling was beautiful as it had a beautiful paintings of angels playing harps on clouds. Marble pillars held the ceiling up as they were decorated with red ribbons that went around their sturdy round structure. You looked down at the floor and it's shiny white marble, amazed at how clean it was that you could see your own reflection.

On each side of the throne room was two large doors that might've lead to other parts of the castle.

You heard chuckling from Moonbin as he stops walking, making you stop as well.

"You forgot how big and beautiful this place is, haven't you?" He asked.

" I-i guess...dang you live here?!"

He chuckles again and nods his head, "Stay here, I'll get the others. Maybe we can try some magic to get your memories back."

You nod and watch him run off through the big door on the right of the throne room. You stood there and looked around from where you stood. You were just so amazed by how beautiful the interior looked and this was only the throne room, you could only imagine how grand the other rooms might've looked like.

About 5 minutes later the king and queen come into the throne room, followed by Prince Moonbin, Prince MJ, Prince Rocky, Prince Eunwoo, Prince Jin Jin and Prince Sanha. They all made their way over to you with relieved faces to see you.

The king dressed in a pure white royal suit with gold designs on it, white gloves covered his hands and a gold crown fit the brim of his head over his dark brown hair.

The queen was beautiful in her yellow gown with gold designs on it, white gloves also fit her hands up to her elbows and she had a small crown which fit over her beautiful chestnut brown hair.

You looked between the princes and the king and queen and started to understand where these beautiful genes come from.

"Aroha!! Oh thank heavens you're back and safe!!" The king exclaimed and embraced you in a hug which the queen also joined in with.

They were so nice! You couldn't help but smile as you felt welcomed immediately.

They let go of you and the queen took a breath, "We've been told you've lost your memories of who you are! Is that true?" The queen said.

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