9. moonwalk

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*unintentional rhyme skillz*)

You wandered through the tall grand corridors of the castle, exploring the different empty rooms and their elegant designs.

You heard a glass break from down the hall and you grab the ends of your dress to hurry and see what happened. You reach the door and you hear a groan on the other side.

"Are you alright in there?!" You asked on the other side and slowly opened the door.

You saw Prince Rocky sitting on the floor in front of broken glass, holding his bleeding hand in pain.

You gasp and quickly go over to him. "Your highness, what happened?!" You asked him and inspect his hand.

"I was disposing of a potion but I accidentally dropped the flask and it broke when it hit the floor. My dumb self tried to pick up the glass but I ended up cutting myself."

"Is there a first aid kit and a trash can?" You immediately ask.

"Trash can by the door, first aid kit on the second shelf of the bookshelf." He tells you.

You quickly grabbed the first aid kit from the shelf and attended to him before all his blood could run out.

You grab a cotton from the kit and dab up all the blood on his hand. The cut was more visible to you now, you began to disinfect it next.

"This might sting..." you warn him gently.

Prince Rocky scoffs, "It won't. The cut itself is painless."

You disinfected it and looked up at the prince to check if he was in pain, but his face remained emotionless. Guess he was as strong as rock which might have been where his name came from.

"What potion were you trying to throw out?" You ask him and began to bandage his hand.

"Oh....the uh, love potion." He told you and you pause and look up at him in confusion.

"Was it a fail?"

"Oh no, it finally came out perfectly."

"Then why did you decide to throw it out?"

He sighs and gives you a smile, "I decided to not give it to her, and just...let her be."


"Well, forcing love is wrong right? Haha."

"Yeah! But you still had good intentions it wasn't even gonna last long!"

"Eh, I spent so much time trying to get the potion right, I lost my feelings for her."

"But why?!"

"The feeling was just mutual. I realized that after making it. The guilt I had while making it was because I was so worried that I might hurt her and that...I might lose a friend."

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