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        It was dark. So dark, I couldn't even see my hand if front of me. What had I gotton myself into now? Shakenly, I stood up. "Hello," I croaked, sounding much like a frog. It was so humid in here. I wiped the sweat off my brow, only for it to fall upon my blood-soken vest. No doubt it probably smelt bad. Scrunching my nose, I shrugged the plastered fur off, leaving me in just a long tunic and boots. I shivered. Well, it's better than being covered in blood.                                                                          

         I began to walk slowly. Being careful of which direction I was going, I streached my arms out, feeling nothing but the air. My breathing became a little faster, due to the lack of oxygen in...whatever this place was. My feet dragged across the ground, making a shuffling sound. It was the only thing that could be heard. That is, besides my breath and heartbeat. Thor could just about hear that. 

        Soon, I came to what it felt like a boulder. It was cool to the touch, and gave on a round shape. I pasued as I came up with an idea. Frowning, I began to push it with all my might. Pain shot up my arms and to my shoulders. My feet began to ache. It went on like this for a while. But I wasn't giving up. With one last grunt, I shoved the enormous rock and it surrched forward, rolling away. My breathing was worse than before. It was heavy, and hitched at a fast pace. Then I saw something that gave me hope. A light.

        In place of the boulder, was a hole big enough for a human to crawl through. Peeking inside what seemed like Hell, was a small amount of light. I got on my hands and knees, and stuck my head through the hole. I gasped in delight at what I saw. Grass. I hurriedly squeezed through the gap, and foud myself back in the outside world. Collasping on the now soft ground, I muttered a thank you to Thor.

        A gentle breeze greeted me, along with a couple of chirping birds. My lungs filled themsleves up with proper air, and my breathed returned to normal. I sighed, and let myself soak in the warm, welcoming sun. My eyelids began to flutter an close, but only before my chapped lips chouted a word oh, so fimilar. Tuffnut.

Hi!!! Summer here!!! I really need your opinion on this!!! Because, I am not sure if I want to continue this story, so if you like it, let me know and I will continue. If not, this story will be no more!!! So, this is now up to you! Like or no like!!! Your opinion matters!!!

Tuffmer (My and Tuffnut's Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now