Promise not to do it? (1)

391 8 3
  • Dedicated to Kailey Andrews


I put on a pair of black knee high converse over a pair of black skinny jeans. Ding! I walk over to my phone to see Winter texted me.

/Alexia are you ready to go??/ - Winter

I sigh. Marianas Trench was heading to the local radio station in Vancouver. They would finally be home because last night was the last show for the tour. Winter and I were big on truth or dare. You couldn't let a good dare go undone. It may sound weird for a couple of 22 year olds to be playing it, but to us it was a challenge. So I was now stuck with the dare to break into the boy’s tour bus and take pictures of everything. It was weird to think that I would be breaking into my idols bus. I text her back.

/Yeah, Just heading out now. :P / - Alexia

/Remember to get EVERYTHING :)/ - Winter

/Lol yes I will now stop texting me or I will never leave./ - Alexia

/Fine good luck!/ - Winter

I grab my camera, and a pair of black gloves. On my way out I stop to look at my outfit. I didn’t look bad. I fixed my hair and left the house.

       I parked a good block and a half away. I got out and started walking. I played with the zipper on the jacket while walking down the street. I finally got to the Bus. I hid around a corner of the building, zipped up my jacket and pulled my gloves on. I looked at my watch, it started five minutes ago. I was about to walk out when I see Josh walk out of the bus. I ducked back around the corner and watch Josh walk into the radio station.

       I only had thirty minutes to get in and out. I ran to the door Josh just came out of. Damn it was locked. I try a few windows until I find one in the back that opens easily. I craw through the window and fall in face first. But I couldn't care less because I was in their bus! I dug my camera out of my bag and started taking pictures of everything.

      I check my watch to see how much time I have left. I have at least fifteen minutes left. I start to smile. I'm really going to get away with this. I take some more pictures but then someone is whispering in my ear,

"Did you know black really suits you?" I jump and throw my camera. I turn around to see Josh Ramsay holding my camera.

       "Well what do we have here?" oh shit. He starts going through my camera. "Hey give it back that's private!" I try to get it back from him.

He holds it above his head and says "And our tour bus isn’t?“ I jump up trying to get it. But he is a good 7 inches taller. I smile at him then hop up on the table behind me.

        "So what are we going to do now hmmm?" 

He walks closer till he's inches from me and asks, "Promise you won't do it again?"

 I grab his tie and whisper "Oh I promise" I pull him down to my lips and he goes willingly. I start to kiss him and while he is distracted I grab the camera and slide off the table. "I win!" I yell out.

He has a half crazed look in his eyes when he says "What a tease."

        I blow him a kiss and run down two blocks to my car. I sit in my car trying to process what just happened. I snuck in to their bus and kissed Josh Ramsay. "Oh. My. God."  I cover my mouth and just smile. Not only did I kiss Josh Ramsay but he kissed me back. I just sit there smiling for a minute. I start looking for my phone so I can call Winter, but my phones not here. "Fuck!" I bang my head on the steering wheel l must have left it in the bus. Well I guess I'm not getting that back.

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