Table for two (2)

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        What the hell just happened. I sit down at the table and run my hand through my hair. Okay some girl just broke into the bus and I let her kiss me. What’s wrong with me?  I would never let anyone do that. I sighed and get up. That is when I saw a phone on the table. "Whose phone is this?" I whisper to myself. I unlock it and start to look through it.

      It was the girl’s phone. She must have dropped it. There were pictures of her in it. In ten minutes I knew that her name was Alexia, her best friend was named Winter. She worked in a music store. "Nice." I smile. Wait why do I even care? She just broke into our bus I need to stop thinking about her. I put the phone away.

"What's so nice? The fact that you didn't come back?" I turned around so see Matt , Ian, and Mike. Matt came over and punched me in the shoulder. "Why did you ditch us man?"

      I told them what happened more or less. "Well I came out for a smoke break and I heard a noise in the bus. So I went to check it out." They all were silent.  “And it turned out to be someone breaking into the bus.”

Mike stood up “Wait! Someone broke into our bus!?” I put my hand up to stop him

 “Yeah but I scared them off.” We all then started to make sure she stole nothing.

 “Well guys everything is still in place.” Ian said flopping down on the couch. We started driving back to our own houses.

       I grabbed my stuff and unlocked my front door. I closed the door and through everything on the ground next to the door. I’ll unpack later. I take her phone and sit down on the couch. “Let the fun begin mon cher.” I started by texing her friend Winter.

/Hey Winter I think we need to talk/ - Josh

/Hey jack ass give the phone back!/ - Winter

/No not yet and she was the one that left it in my bus. That she broke into./ - Josh

/Well don’t leave it unlocked and you won’t have that problem/ - Winter

      That little shit was getting on my nerves. I dialed her number. “What do you want!?”  Winter yelled.

“Just give the phone to Alexia, I want to talk to her.” The line was silent for a second.

“She‘s not here. What makes you think I would let you talk to her. You tried to steal from her. If she didn‘t fight you off, she wouldn‘t have that camera still!” Ah so that was her story.

 Then in the background I hear someone sigh and say “Just give me the phone.” I hold my breath hoping it was her. “Hello?” I let my breath out.

“Can you meet me somewhere, alone? We need to talk.”


       I went silent did I really want to meet him privately again? I think of the way his lips felt when I kissed him and the look in his eyes. That wasn’t me kissing a person I’ve bearly said 10 words to? No definitely not me. I walk into my room and close the door. “Hello? Alexia, you still there?”

I sigh “yeah where do you want to meet up at?” I hear Josh move around at the other end “Umm meet me at Laura's in twenty minutes.” I hang up and throw the phone on the bed and drop next to in. Winter slowly opens the door and peaks in.

        “knock knock.” She walks in and sits next to me. “So what did he want?” I sigh and sit up and look at her.

“He said he will give me my phone back but he wants to talk first.” She jumps up

“Well let’s go!” Winter was always one of those people to get excited and jump head first into things without thinking. I smile at her and I slowly get up 

“You can‘t come, he told me just to come alone.” She sits back down on my bed, and puts on her best little girl put. “Ha. Ha. It‘s not going to work this time.” I stick my tongue out and grab my jacket and leave.

          I drive To Laura’s and get there ten minutes early. I tend to drive very fast when I was nervous. I’m surprised I haven’t gotten pulled over yet. I fix my hair and get out prepare myself for what is about to happen.

 I dig out a pack of cigarettes from under my seat. I know, I know it’s a filthy habit that is going to kill me some day. The only time I ever smoked was when I was about to go into full blown panic attack. I went to the back of the building and sat down. I sat there for good five minutes smoking until I see Josh turn the corner lighting a cigarette of his own.

           He looked up and saw me. His eyes showed a mix of surprise and something else. He sauntered over and sat down next to me.  I blow out some smoke and look him in the eyes and said “Smoking is a filthy habit.” He threw his head back and started laughing. His blue hair fell in front of his eyes, and he pushed it back. I started to smile.

The sound of his laugh was adorable. Snap out of it Alexia, find out what he wants then leave. I stop smiling and look up in to his blue eyes. “So what did you want to talk about?” He sobers up and pulls out my phone. Oh I almost forgot about that. I go to grab for it. He pulls it away.

“Uh, uh. Not till after we eat!” I stick my lower lip out in a pout. “Oh I’m not that bad of company.” He gets up and pulls me with him.

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