Win You Back

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Jungkook's pov

I was so shocked. Jimin was back, but he hated me. He should hate me after what I did. I was so stupid to cheat. He deserves better, but I want him back.

I know he isn't going to forgive me easily but I could try. I still love him.
I hope one day he could forgive me.

Five minutes standing there felt like hours. I wiped my face and got out of the room. I tried looking for Jimin.

But maybe I have already done enough. He doesn't need any more problems.

"Um...Jungkook?" I heard a voice call out.

I turned my head to see who it was. It was Taehyung. I suddenly felt my blood boil. Because of him I lost Jimin.

"What the fuck do you want?!" I exclaimed. I was already pissed off by him talking to me. He seemed to be scared for a moment.

"Jungkook calm down" He muttered and stared at me with pleasing eyes.

"Why the fuck should I? I lost him because of you! Why the fuck are you still here?" I yelled at him in anger.

Taehyung had tears forming in his eyes. I suddenly felt the anger disappearing. That was the look Jimin had when he found out I was cheating on him.

"I wasn't the one who cheated on his boyfriend. I didn't even fucking know you were with someone. Blaming others won't get him back. I know what I did was wrong, but do you think I don't regret it?" Taehyung said with tears falling down his cheeks.

"My heart was broken as well. I didn't join this fucking company because of you." Taehyung turned around and walked to his room.

I sighed and pulled my hair in frustration. He didn't do anything wrong. It was me.

I put my hands in my pockets and began walking to my room.

"And I still want you~"

I heard a voice sing. It was beautiful. The melody was really amazing.
I recognized the song. It was called 'The truth untold' by Exo (I'm making this exo's song just for this story. Cuz they're the only group I could think of.)

I followed the voice and it led to Jimin's room. The door was open a bit so I pushed it further, making sure it didn't make a sound.

And there I saw Jimin singing. He looked sad. I gulped at the sight. I opened the door and walked in. He didn't seem to notice me.

I started singing along with him. He turned around and saw me with sad eyes.

"And I still want you~" I sang.

We started singing together. We got so caught up in the moment, we didn't realize that we were so close to kissing.

Jimin realized and backed away, blushing. It was cute. I missed his laugh, his smile, how his cheeks turned pink when he was nervous, I missed him.

"Jimin please give me a chance. We clearly both need each other. I regret cheating on you everyday. Please let me just make it up to you. I won't let you down"

Jimin sighed as he thought about it. I didn't want to get more heart broken so I started walking away. I know he would say no anyways.


I quickly turned around, waiting for his answer.

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