1 clary's birth and childhood part 1

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As I have already said, and if it had been a girl, well, let's start.

During the delivery, when they had everything ready for the girl, Valentine suddenly saw a little thing with black hair, and the nurse said:

"It's a girl," but this one is special because she has demonic blood, and that's why it would be impossible to feel her, but in her delicate little eyes she had a mix between Jocelyn's and his.I could see a hint of Lilith in her hair and in her beautiful but deadly form.

If she didn't have enough, with a little bit of demon blood, when the bottle was finished, she would have the mark of the demon.

It was a little strange because she was a Shadowhunter, and that gave her special powers.When her mother found out, it was too late, but she tried to give her angelic blood, which the girl's body partly contained. So she had no trouble getting into the high schools she wanted or was invited to.

Then her father gave her more demonic blood, making her demonic mark clearer, and gave her the power to hide her appearance and make her mark look like a simple heart.She could make and create runes, both demonic and angelic, but more demonic.So that when she needed to, she could turn angelic when she needed to demonic and alter anything so they couldn't find them if she didn't want them to.

So that when she needed to, she could turn angelic when she needed to demonic and alter anything so they couldn't find them if she didn't want them to

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