2 clary childhood part 2

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As I have already said, Clarissa Adele Morgenstern. 

 When she turned 1, her father began to teach her little by little with children's books: the study of runes, the types of demons, and subterranean, and also instructed her to try to feel some emotions. 

 Also, to practice the powers that Lilith told Valentine she would develop in time, but for now to spend time with her before something happened, and she was taken away.

 One afternoon, while walking around Idris, she met a boy named Sebastian Verlac. They became close friends and sometimes played together. 

This continued every day until she was two years old. By the time he was two years old, he had jet black hair. He discovered that his hair only healed him because of demonic blood, and when he wanted to change the color to match his eyes, it was a perfect camouflage. When his father saw this, he was very surprised to see it.

 She asked her father if they could invite Sebastian, and he said yes. When he went to look for him, he was gone. Then her angelic part hid in the part that was assigned to her body, and her anger became demonic. 

Her father took her home and told her that in the covered garden she could show her anger. He left a note for the Verlac family that he knew lived there, saying, "Although she can't see you, I can, and you were assholes; she is only two years old, but remember that revenge is a dish best served cold." 

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