chapter 1

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"Peterrrrr....." I drug out the 'R', "wake up, please...." He just groaned and turned his back towards me. I sighed in frustration, and grabbed his ankles.

I pulled, and he just fell on the floor and continued to sleep. I tsk'd mockingly.

"now.... I didn't want to have to do this...but you leave me no choice." I said. He just grunted.

I surged up a small shock of electricity, and touched my pointy finger to his leg. He yelped and jumped.

"now your awake." I joked. He lifted his head, and glared at me. I sheepishly smiled.

"I love you?" He scrambled up, and I did too, running out the room.

We ran through the hallways, and I led him to the kitchen. But before I could make it in the kitchen... He came up behind me, and grabbed me around my waist.

We were nose to nose.

"you shouldn't have done that..." He said. I grinned.

"you had to get up. Instead of staying out late last night, you should've been in bed." I responded. He scoffed.

"its not my fault! I was helping the citizens of the city! The perks of being a superhero." He said, sarcastically. I laughed.

"you should've thought of that, before actually using your powers. But...saving citizens had its perks. Being the reason someone might get to live longer. Making people safe and protected. I say its a pretty good job." Smiling, he kissed my nose.

"I couldn't agree with you more." He leaned in, as did I...but before our lips could meet, the kitchen door burst open.

"whoa! Ever heard of getting a room? Geez..." Tony said. I rolled my eyes, and glared at him.

I've known him for almost a year....and I still haven't gotten used to his cockiness/annoyance/ jackass-edness. But I loved him like a brother...when he wasn't being annoying.

"what do you want, Tony?" I asked.

"I was coming to get you two for Fury. For a meeting. Its important."

"what happened?" Peter asked, worried. I was too.

"he hasn't told us....but it involves Clint." My eyes widened, and I immediately opened the doors and walked in the room. I looked around, hoping Clint was here, but he wasn't.

In case you were wondering why I'm so worried, in the past year...Clint and I have grown really close. With every mission, ever day, every month....he was basically my brother. I loved him, as a brother, and he loved me, as a sister. So if someone hurt him...I'm gonna kill them.

"where's Clint? And Natasha?"  Fury looked up at my question.

"sit down, agent Johnson. Natasha Romanoff is on a mission in Russia ((A/N: I think....I'm sorry!!!!)) and Clint Barton is....not with us." He said, calmly. I had taken a seat, but at that I stood, slamming my hands on the table.

"what do you mean not with us?" I asked through tight lips. I swear....

"he's been captured and made a slave. By force. He's been hypnotized by Loki." He said, pulling up a picture of a man with jet black hair, and dark, soulless eyes.

"we have a chance to capture Loki...and to get Clint back. Loki will be at a banquet in Germany (A/N: I'm sorry. brain isn't functioning right now.), and agent Barton will be with him."Fury said.

"I'll call agent Romanoff and see how soon she can be here." He said, but I was one step ahead of him.

I stood up, phone in hand, and walked out, dialing Natasha's number.

"Hey, Phil. Do you know where Natasha is, by any chance?" I asked him when he passed me. He smiled.

"looks like your doing my job. I was just about to call her. She's at 114 Solenski Plaza, 3rd floor. She's on a she's either beating someones ass....or being held hostage and pretending to be vulnerable." He said, nonchalantly. I looked at him.

"and you're not worried?" He scoffed, and started walking away.

"what kind of question is that? She's Natasha Romanoff." Then he turned around and left. I shook my head, and dialled her number. But it wasn't her that answered.

I was already angry that someone had taken Clint, and this Russian dude wasn't helping at all.

He said something in Russian, and I cut him off.

"You're at 114 Solenski Plaza, 3rd floor. We have an F-22 exactly eight miles out. Put the woman on the phone or I will blow up the block before you can make the lobby." I said, threateningly. Of course I didn't know if there was really an F-22 on the block...I just made it up. But knowing S.H.I.E.L.D.....there probably was.

He was silent, then I heard shuffling. I assumed they put the phone to her ear.

"we need you to come in." I said.

"are you kidding, Audry? I'm working."she replied. I sighed in frustration.

"this takes precedence." I shot back.

"I'm in the middle of an interrogation. This moron is giving me everything." She said. So Phil was right about being hostage. I heard in the background, the man asking his partners if he gives everything.

" can't pull me out of this, Audry." I said the only thing I knew would pull her out of it.

"Clint's been compromised..." She was silent.

"let me put you on hold..." I started hearing grunts and moans. A lot of shuffling and the sound of things breaking. I stood there calmly, listening to the sound of Natasha beating some German or Russian peoples assess.

Then it was silent, and I heard her pick up the phone again.

"ok. I'm back. What did fury say?" she asked. I leaned against the wall.

"he said that Loki will be at a banquet in Germany, and Clint will be with him. He didn't say when, but probably soon." I said.

"I'm on my way. I'll be there in a day, tops." She replied.

"ok. You know what to do. Its time to suit up."

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Hi. Ok..I'm sorry this is late. I know I said that this would be up in two days, tops but it wasn't.

I'm sorry. I'm sick and I'm currently sitting here eating soup, and on the computer. Love you all. Don't forget to comment, vote, and follow. Thanks!

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