chapter 23

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"where is it?" Lena ferociously asked.

"we have it in our care, here on the helicarrier."Nick replied. I blew out a big breath.

"well...that's good, right? We have the box, so no harm can be made. Right?" I asked again, desperately waiting for him to say 'right'.

To my dismay, he shook his head.

"Amas is planning something. We've recently found out what it is." He stopped talking, looking around at us as if he were waiting for us to tell him to continue and tell us the plan. But Lena beat all of us to it.

"Jesus Christ! Just say it already!" She yelled, throwing her hands in the air.

Nick briskly glared at her, before turning back to us.

"What did Amas tell you about that box, Audry?" He asked.

"He said it held the souls of people, including our parents." When I mentioned Lena and I's parents, she looked at me.

"What he didn't tell you, was that the souls in that box are an alien army called the--"

"the Krain." I finished for him.

I didn't even know how I knew that, it just came out.

Lena looked at me, quizzically. I shrugged in response.

"Our villain is planning to release the army, and let loose hell on Earth." He finished explaining.

"But..wait....isn't Amas here? On the helicarrier? Last time I checked, he was here....unless I missed something....." Trailing off, I looked around at the others, seeing pure confusion on their faces.

"Oh, he's locked up," Nick went on, "but he's already gotten the army to converge. They'll be their strongest on the night of a full moon."

"ok...when is the next full moon?" Clint asked.

"tomorrow. That's why we have to destroy it....tomorrow. You two," he said, pointing to Lena and me, you two have the power to destroy the box." Nick replied. We looked at each other, shocked.

"You two have the power from the planet this box was created on. The box can only be destroyed by its own natural power. You will work together, use your powers, and destroy the box."He elaborated.

I was still shocked,  so I didn't say anything. Neither did Lena.

"Well, isn't that even more dangerous? Trying to destroy the box, at the risk of come out and attack? What about Lena and Audry?" Nick narrowed his eyes.

"Would you rather fight them, exhausted? Or fight them when your wide awake and healthy? And they will be fine. They can do this. As long as they concentrate." Nick said. Peter didn't reply.

Although I loved the confidence from Nick that we could accomplish this, there was a little part of me that doubted it.

If we had learned about this earlier on, we could have practised.

There was no doubt that I felt scared beyond reality, and I'm sure Lena did too.

I looked over to her and found her staring at the wall in front of her.

I couldn't help the thoughts running through my head.

Thoughts like.. What if we didn't concentrate? What would happen to the world? Mankind? Would we be able to protect our friends?

These jumbled up thoughts were interrupted, by Nick.

"Get rest. You'll need it. Tomorrow, we go out to a rural area. The less people around, the lower the risk of people getting hurt." With that, he turned and strode out.

"You heard him..." Tony said, "get some rest. Hey, who wants a drink?" Again, typical Tony.

"You heard what he just said. We need rest. We have a long and battle filled day tomorrow." Steve said, exiting.

Tony rolled his eyes, muttered something about a 'damn capsicle', but followed Steve out, nonetheless. Everyone else filled out...but I had to start here to recover.

The nurses assured that I would be ready tomorrow, and I informed them that even if I wasn't fully recovered, I would still be on the battlefield.

Eventually, the nurses left me and Peter alone. Not that I was complaining or anything....

As we lay there, legs intertwined, arms around each other, his chin on top of my head, he spoke up.

"Ya don't have to do this, if you don't want to." He softly said. I sighed.

"I have to do this. Lena can't do it alone. I won't let Lena do it alone." I replied, making up my mind.

He stayed silent for a while.

"I knew you were going to say that. I just....don't want to lose you. I've come too close to losing you forever, multiple times." Sighing, I sat back, looking into his eyes.

"How many times do I have to say this? You will never lose me....Never. Say it." I gently said.

"Never." I smiled, pecked his lips, then rested my head back on his chest.

Truly,I didn't want him to see my expression.

I keep saying he won't lose me...but with the things that were about to happen...things coming to light...

I doubted that.

HIHIHIHI!!! Alright! this is just a quick update .I'm sorry for not updating in a while....I walked in the house and was like "I haven't updated in forever."

And my dad just walks past me, and casually says, "your fans are gonna hate you." So I raced up stairs...and here we are! Again...I'm terribly sorry!!

I'm gonna be up awhile...I'm waiting for 12 am,.so I can announce my birthday on instagram/twitter and My birthday is tomorrow!! Squee!! I can't wait!!

Ok anyway!! This story is sadly coming to an end...but don'T FEAR....JIRAH IS HERE....with a trilogy.

I have planned a trilogy...and I've already started making it. I can't wait for you all to read it!! There are gonna be a lot of surprises!!

This story will probably be shorter than "Secret Identity." Sorry!! But love you all!!!! OOH! Almost forgot.

QOTD: what's your favourite song?

P.s. I have found a real person to play Audry! Her name is Karen Gillan. She is...beautiful!! A picture is above (or on the side.depending on what you're reading this on.)


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