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Connor had downloaded a cooking program while they drove home, so now his only issue was trying to figure out where everything was and what Hank would actually enjoy. He seemed like the meat and potatoes type, but vegetables were important. And while potatoes are a vegetable, they're also starchy and not the greatest for health.

Digging in the fridge produced a bundle of green beans, a 80/20 package of ground beef, and tomato sauce. A box of pasta was discovered in the back of the cabinet of cans, which he had to remove with the utmost care to avoid disturbing each carefully placed cans of food. A pasta with sauce and meatballs and green beans on the side. Perfect.

While putting his ingredients on the counter, Connor couldn't help but think about what Hank did a few minutes ago. His skin flushed just thinking about it, but it gave him a good feeling in his stomach. He felt dumb for running away rather than staying there. He placed his hands down on the counter, trying to process anything worthwhile. Hell, he had to follow his gut. That's what Hank did. Turning in an about face, Connor marched his happy as right back to Hank's room just as the other was about to exit, forgetting everything and pulling him down close enough to kiss right on the lips.

Sparks flew inside his head, breaking a dozen programs enough that he'd probably require diagnostics after this. Hank didn't seem to mind though, as he returned the affection by wrapping his arms around Connor's exposed midsection. Hot skin on cool bio components was just what the opposite asked for, reliving the flush from their skins. "Hell, Connor what has gotten into you?" The question was rhetorical of course, Hank pulling away to start trailing kisses down his neck and jaw line.

"Would you be a bad answer?" Connor had no idea how to be cocky, but from the soft laugh that came from Hank he assumed it had been right in saying that.

"Good choice of words." Hank lifted Connor much easier when he was awake, the android gripping his shoulders to keep from falling over. It was startling, but the prospect of what came next sent a shutter through his body. He was pinned down to the bed, linking his hands through Hank's hair as the older male pressed hands under the crop top and slid it up.

"H-hank, I'm not a --." He stopped short, making a whining noise out of pleasure. His brain was scrambled, senses heightened beyond normal. Not like smelling colors, but very damn close. And it just felt so good, the feeling of lips all over him and hands touching and feeling like none had before. "I'm n- not a s, sex android." He whimpered out pathetically, lips touching sensitive parts along his chest. A wet tongue trailed across his chest, further producing some weak and needy noises Connor didn't know he could make.

"Then why are you acting like this?" Hank's dull colored eyes were suddenly bright, filled with something Connor had never seen before. But it made him feel the way Simon felt with Markus. "There's more human things about you than you'd think." The words were playful, dangerous, and a memory jerker all at once, but Con was too overwhelmed with... with... not love, but lust? Was that what it was?

"Just shut up and kiss me again."


Connor was back at the kitchen counter, a new found pain in his neck, back, and ass, but every inch of him was satisfied like he's never been satisfied before. Hank even seemed pleased, especially in watching the android dance about the kitchen in nothing but a pink 'I love dogs' apron.

Connor had started the chopped green beans with some sweetener water on the stove, leaving them to boil and soften along with the box of pasta on the other side. He used a knife to chunk up the meat from the fridge, repackaging half to replace in the freezer for a later date. He washed his hands well before starting to form the meat chunks into smoother balls, listening to Hank as he removed a glass from the drying rack and found him some coffee to drink with this impromptu lunch/dinner. After getting home at noon and the... festivities from the past 3 hours (which included laying in bed together for at least an hour) it wasn't obvious what to count it as.

"Since when can you cook, Connor?" Hank was waiting for the coffee pot to warm up and percolate, the water having been poured in already. The pot was under to catch any of the dripped down coffee. "I thought all you did was help police?"

"I downloaded a cooking program, there's a million online. Plus it's probably going to be more helpful than tasting for blood samples." He laughed carefully, filling a small skillet with the meatballs as they were made. "So you could call me a household android too." Connor knocked his hip playfully against Hank, drizzling some oil over and some parsley flakes.

"I doubt any household android would be willing to do what we just did." He gave Connor a wink, pouring himself a cup of coffee and letting the rest fill the pot up for later. "Or any android for that matter." He moved to take a seat at the kitchen table, noticing it cleaner than before. Hm. And the photo of Cole had been moved to a proper perch on the windowsill above the sink. Perfect.

"You're lucky I like you a lot then." Connor gave a charmed wink in return over his shoulder, taking a green bean and tasting it without actually eating it. Though his muscles wanted to swallow. He knew he couldn't, why start such things now? Casting that part aside the beans were softened and sweet but healthy. "I do expect you to eat these green beans because it's healthy for you."

"Yes mother." Hank whined a tad, adjusting his boxers (they were checkered instead of dark as Connor had mistaken before) and watching Connor mix the pasta up with a wooden spoon. Draining it until there was just a little water, he replaced in on the stove and let it cook now with the tomato sauce to really cook it in.

"I don't know if your mother would be offended or not." Connor shot back, finding a bowl and plate. Without surprise, the dishes no where near matched. It was a slight disappointment, but he didn't say a word. He found a drainage spoon and started to fill said bowl with the green beans.

"She'd probably love you, if she were alive." Hank didn't seem bothered talking about his parents, not like with his wife and Cole. But then again those were extremely different stories from what Connor knew. "You'd be a better son than me." He was pretty serious, but he laughed regardless.

"I doubt you were that bad as a child, Hank." Connor was interrupted by a knock at the front door, the two glancing at each other. Well Christ, neither was dressed. "Just a moment." He called, shooing Hank to go get a bathrobe on.

After doing so very quickly, Hank unlocked and opened the front door to find one of Kamski's RT600s standing there with a thick catalog envelope practically spilling with photos and papers. "He sends his regards to your journey." Once the trade was done, the Chloe left for the taxi once again. Hank shut the door, peeking into the envelope before coming back to the table where Connor had placed the cooked meal. He had made 2 plates (since that was what was made) and packaged up the second plate with foil but left it on the counter for the moment. Connor wiped his hands off, head cocked to the side.

"What is that?" He looked perplexed, extending a hand to take a look at it. Hank smacked his palm lightly though so he couldn't take it.

"A mission of mine. You'll get to look later." Hank sat at the table, sealing up the envelope best he could before tucking it into his lap. "Thank you, for making this. Even though you didn't have to." He gave Connor a grateful smile.

"Don't mention it. I have to earn my way here somehow." Back to the sink he went, warm water gushed over dirty cooking dishes in hopes of helping hands make them clean. 

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