Chapter 6

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The days that passed were monotonous and in most cases, extremely boring.

Every day, Carmine woke up at dawn, got ready, flew to school (which was already a change from the schedule she had with Gust), survived Professor Sylph's lessons, flew back to the palace to read and attended evening aerial and battle training lessons with army mentors Mother had specifically appointed for her (she guessed at least because, moons, were they boring).

Schooldays had become even worse. Professor Sylph never made her do homework because he was afraid to strain Carmine's "precious claws", and making small talk with Copper and Jay became more and more frustrating with each passing day.

It usually involved Copper talking about Dusk, and Jay commenting on the quality of the education of the academy.

Carmine just nodded and smiled, because both subjects were extremely uncomfortable for her to talk about.

But she couldn't understand why these schooldays weren't as interesting as the first one had been.

But of course, logic came to her aid, and she understood.

It was because a certain SkyWing was in a hospital bed recovering from some serious trauma.

And that was all Carmine could think about.


The royal palace was having a feast.

A full moon was shining in the sky, and of course, the whole kingdom was celebrating.

Carmine had danced and talked and feasted with the guests, but she decided to take a break and found herself alone on a solitary balcony that looked over the kingdom.

The view was beautiful. The whole SkyWing capital was lit by lanterns and there was music everywhere, both from the party and from the city.

It was in these moments that Carmine would truly be content.

She was a princess looking over her beautiful kingdom, with not one care in the world, and with power over everything.

It was satisfactory for her.

But of course, it didn't last long. About a month had passed from the incident, and Wisp had completely disappeared. She was meaning to ask a member of the Council if he had been excused or something, but she decided against it. He had done nothing wrong, so surely that wasn't the case.

"Stop thinking about him. Think about the moons, the party, the sky," The princess thought stubbornly.

She decided to take a short flight to clear her mind. She knew this would be, once again, a choice she made... but she knew it was a completely harmless one this time.

The breeze was cool and she had to blink frequently to be able to see. But when a SkyWing was flying, everything else in their mind would disappear, and leave it's place to an unconscious joy that would infect you from snout to tail-tip.

And Princess Carmine was no different.

The stars were shining shyly in the sky, completely overshadowed by the bright full moon, which looked like a white pupil over a dark iris that was the night sky.

The SkyWing princess flew over the city, and then higher, doing flips in the sky, and looking over the kingdom.

"This feeling makes life worth it. Whether you're a queen or the lowest-born peasant. It's worth it when you're a SkyWing."

Carmine StreaksWhere stories live. Discover now