A slender but muscular 15 meter titan locked its eyes onto a member of the military, who was stationed on top of a roof.
"Eren?" she asked.
The titan threw a punch at her, but she just barely dodged it and was sent flying to the edge of the roof. The titan threw another punch her way, but the young woman maneuvered out of the way with her 3DMG, and landed right on the titan's face.
"Hey!" another soldier yelled. "Mikasa, don't! Get away from him!"
Mikasa ignored him and stared into one of the titan's eyes. "Eren!" she yelled. "Don't you know me?! It's Mikasa! Your... family! You have to pick up this rock and plug the hole!"
The titan stayed still.
"Eren!" she yelled. "You're human! You're—"
The titan threw another punch at her while she was still on its face.
Your eyes shot open. That was a weird dream.
You looked left then right as you laid in a bed in an unfamiliar room; you were only one of many people laying in a row of beds. You sat up slowly.
"Oh, you're up," a female soldier said, walking to the side of your bed. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, but I'm really hungry," you answered.
"Oh, well I was instructed to bring you to Commander Erwin's office as soon as you woke up," she said. "We can get you some food soon though."
You nodded, noting Commander Erwin was still alive; Levi was set on killing him, but apparently he failed. You put on your boots, which sat beside the bed, then followed the young woman to Commander Erwin's office.
On the way there, you tried to remember what happened before this.
The image of your squad member inside the mouth of a titan appeared in your mind. "Sairam!!" Squad Leader Flagon yelled. "Don't move!! I'm coming to get you!!"
You whipped the reigns of your horse after seeing the danger you were in, your heart beating fast. You knew you wouldn't be able to help Sairam with five titans after your squad.
"Squad Leader!!" you heard Sairam yell. "Stay back! Run while you can!"
"Sairam!!" Flagon yelled.
"Take care!!" Sairam yelled. "I'll see you on the othe—" He was silenced by a sickening crunch.
"Sairam!!" Isabel yelled.
You looked back. "Come on guys!!" you yelled. "Run!!"
"Let's go, Isabel!!" Farlan yelled. "There's no way we can take on five of them in this rain!! We need to scatter for now."
You continued forward, relieved that your friends were on their way out as well.
A few seconds later, you looked behind yourself again to check up on your friends, but you couldn't see them with how much rain and fog there was. "Guys?!!" you yelled. No answer. "Farlan?!! Isabel?!!" No answer.
You slowed down your horse and tried to turn around, but the horse slipped in the mud and fell, trapping your leg underneath its body. You started panicking from being in such a vulnerable position, and started frantically pushing on the horse with your free leg. The muddy ground made it easier to slip your leg out from under the horse, and you got free. You quickly looked around to see if there was any close by titans, and there wasn't, so you started seeing if you could help your horse back up. You started pushing it's body upwards, hoping to give it a boost to its feet, but you slipped instead. Giving up, you used your 3DMG to get up into a nearby tree to get into a safer area, almost slipping on the wet branch.

Resurrected (Levi x Reader)
Fanfiction[Y/N] wakes up to find that Erwin Smith is not dead, but her friends are--all except for Levi. How does [Y/N] handle being resurrected into this new reality, whether that be in regards to her relationship with Levi, or just her own mental health?