After you finished eating your food, Commander Erwin lead you through the halls to Squad Leader Hanji's office. Upon reaching her door, he knocked on it.
"Come in," Hanji said.
As soon as Hanji saw you, her face lit up. "You're up!" she exclaimed, jumping out of her chair and running over to you. "Ooh, I'm so excited!~ Thanks for bringing her over, Erwin!"
"No problem. And [Y/N] has agreed to help humanity with her power, if she does have it," he said
"That's great!" Hanji replied.
"Yes, it is. I'll let you get to work, Hanji," he said, stepping out of the room and closing the door.
"So! I came up with this small experiment that can determine if you might be able to turn into a titan or not!" Hanji said. "Since titans can regenerate their wounds relatively quickly, I was thinking that maybe a human–titan hybrid can do so as well. So this is what I'm going to do: I'll cut you and me with a blade, and after an hour, we'll see if your cut healed significantly faster than mine."
"Okay," you said.
"Okay, let me just get the blades." Hanji ran over to her desk, opened a drawer, and took out two small blades. Then she waved her hand, signaling you to come over. You walked over to her desk.
"Can I see your arm?" she asked. You raised your arm, then she grabbed your wrist and pulled down your sleeve. She was about to put the blade against your skin, but stopped when she saw the white scars all over your arm.
"... Are you... uncomfortable?" she asked.
You didn't think it would be a problem, since even during the time of your last memories, you hadn't cut for years. However, when your sleeve was rolled up, and the blade was about to be placed on your arm just like it had used to be, it brought back bad memories.
You nodded in response to her question.
"Um... Would you be more comfortable if it was on your leg?" she asked.
"There's scars there too," you said, scratching the back of your neck in embarrassment.
"Oh... Are you comfortable with it being anywhere?"
"Yeah... Maybe it can be on my hand or something," you said.
"That works," Hanji said. "I was avoiding that area since it would be annoying to have a bandage there when you're trying to use the 3DMG, but it's totally fine. Which hand is your non dominant one?"
"My [left/right]," you said.
She took that hand, then focused on the thumb. "How about here?" she asked, pointing to the area in between the two joints of your thumb.
"Okay," you said.
She took the blade and carefully placed it against your skin. She knelt so she was eye level with your thumb, then quickly dragged it across your skin, giving you a stinging sensation. Then she opened her first aid kit and was about to bandage the cut, but stopped when she noticed steam coming out of it.
Hanji's face lit up in curiosity, and stared closely at the cut. "It's closing up!" she exclaimed. "It's pretty slow, but fast compared to how humans heal. Ooh, we gotta show this to Erwin! Come on!"
She started dragging you out of her office and down the hall, but suddenly stopped. "Wait, wait here," she said, then dashed back towards where you came from.
You took this opportunity to take a closer look at your thumb, not being able to do so before with Hanji in the way. The cut was pretty small, but you didn't get to see how big the original cut was, so you couldn't compare. When you watched carefully though, it did seem like the cut was slowly closing up, but it was hard to tell.

Resurrected (Levi x Reader)
Fanfic[Y/N] wakes up to find that Erwin Smith is not dead, but her friends are--all except for Levi. How does [Y/N] handle being resurrected into this new reality, whether that be in regards to her relationship with Levi, or just her own mental health?