The next morning, you made your way to where the Levi Squad met so you could start your training with them. You arrived at the door of the room they met in and knocked.
"Come in," you heard Levi's deep voice say.
You opened the door to see everyone staring at you, which made you uncomfortable. You closed the door and looked at Levi for further instruction, giving him a soft smile in hopes that he wouldn't be as cold to you.
As soon as you smiled at him though, he looked away and towards his subordinates. "This is [Y/N] [L/N]. Hanji believes she'll be able to transform into a titan, like what happened with that trainee when Trost's outer gate was breached. We were assigned to look over her and make sure she doesn't go berserk. Now, introduce yourselves."
"Gunther Schultz," the guy with black hair and a darker complexion said.
"Eld Jinn," the guy with blonde, tied back hair said.
"Petra Ral," the girl with strawberry blonde hair said.
"Oluo Bozado," the guy with light brown hair said.
None of them seemed very friendly.
"Now that that's over with, we'll be going outside to do some 3DMG drilling," Levi said, standing up.
Everyone got their 3DMG, except you since Levi said not to, and met outside the forest the squad would presumably be training in.
"[Y/N], I'd like to test that your combat skills are still adequate."
"Yes sir," you responded and walked towards him; it felt weird calling him "sir".
"We'll be doing hand-to-hand combat," he said, as he took off his 3DMG and threw it to the side.
You each got into your fighting stances, both staring each other down. Levi made the first move with a left-handed punch, which you dodged by moving to the left. He followed that up with a right-handed one, which made you dodge left again and grab his wrist with both hands while you brought your left arm over his arm and put your weight on his shoulder, using his momentum to push him towards the ground. However, he quickly ran out from underneath your weight before you could bring him to the ground, and kicked your leg out from underneath you, causing you to fall. You quickly rolled away and got on your feet, but as soon as you did so, Levi kicked the back of your knee, causing you to kneel. As you were caught off guard, he twisted one of your arms behind your back and pushed you to the ground by the back of your neck. He twisted your arm even more, causing you to tap out.
Levi released you, and you stood up.
"Sir," Gunther said, causing everyone to turn and look at him. "What was [Y/N]'s background before the possibility of her being a titan arose?"
"She was in the Survey Corps," Levi said, which technically was true, despite not portraying the full story. "Now [Y/N], go back into the room we met in and clean it. The cleaning supplies are in the closet."
"Yes sir," you said, and made your way back.
Once you got back, you cleaned the table and chairs, the floor, and the windows. By the time you were done, they still weren't back yet, so thankfully you had time to wash your hands. After that, you sat back down at the table and got lost in your thoughts.
A little while later, the squad was back. Levi looked around the room for a bit to inspect your work.
"Good," he said, causing everyone else to look surprised.
"You guys have off until lunch," he said, walking towards the door.
After lunch, you had to do some more chores for a few hours, but then after that, you had the rest of the day off. You decided you were going to ask Hanji if there were any science books you could read. You were really interested in science and understanding how things worked. You studied as much as you could in the Underground, but they only had elementary-level books. Levi managed to get you a more advanced Chemistry textbook, which made you really happy. You got through most of it before you were taken to the Survey Corps.

Resurrected (Levi x Reader)
Fanfiction[Y/N] wakes up to find that Erwin Smith is not dead, but her friends are--all except for Levi. How does [Y/N] handle being resurrected into this new reality, whether that be in regards to her relationship with Levi, or just her own mental health?