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🎵I Go Back: Kenny Chesney

I open my mouth. Then I close it. We make eye contact and I'm gone. Into a different world. Not aware of anything else, but that pair of green eyes that stare right into mine.

He looks... different. It's not the kind of different that means you matured and built this whole life for yourself. It's the opposite. He looks tired and stressed and worst of all, unhappy.

"I don't need your help Jack." I say the words without even thinking. I regret it.

Suddenly, he looks as uncomfortable and awkward as he did in middle school.

"Yeah Morrison. Go back to the hell hole you crawled out of." Mason's hands grip my waist harder.

I turn away from Jack and attempt to push myself away from Mason.

Suddenly, Jack is near us and he looks pissed.

"Look Woods, when someone tells you to back off, you better back off."

Mason lets go of me and turns towards Jack. "Oh, what are you going to do about it Morrison."

Jack and Mason always had this competitiveness. It started when Jack and I started dating. Mason began to challenge Jack at everything. It seems like time doesn't change something like that.

"Stop. This is stupid. Are you guys seriously going to start fighting in the middle of a gas station? Grow up." I walk away and get into my car.

I watch as Mason storms off, frustrated. I put my key in the ignition and put my hands on the wheel. They're trembling and you and I both know that it's not because of my encounter with Mason. It's because of Jack.

I hear a knock on my window and I take a deep breath before looking at those green eyes.

I roll down my window.

"I know this is incredibly awkward, but do you want to grab some coffee?"

I can't stop myself from nodding.

He smiles in relief, showing both of his dimples. "The usual?"

I haven't visited this place in years, I think as I sit in the parking lot, debating if I should go inside or just forget about the whole thing and leave. Jack could be just a dream. God knows I've had plenty of Jack.

What is he doing here anyways? My first thought is that he was traveling to the city and just happened to stop in his home town to get gas. Yeah, that's probably what he did.

Screw it. I take my key out of the ignition and walk into the only coffee shop in town that was open on a Thursday night.

I find Jack right away. He was in the spot we always used to sit at. 80's music plays in the speakers. The whole place is John Cougar themed. I think that's why I loved this place so much.

I sit down across from him, making sure not to make eye contact with him. I even go as far as looking down at the menu, even though we both know my exact order.

Jack clears his throat, making me look at him.

"We haven't seen each other in years." He points out the obvious.

"Seven." It felt like the detail needed to be added.

"Well, a lot can happen in that amount of time."

"Not to me."

"No? Nothing interesting has happened in the last seven years?"


"Diane, there's gotta be something that's changed."

I pause."My name."

"Your what?" He looks at me like I'm crazy.

"I changed my name. I go by Elle now. My-"

"Your middle name." He finishes.

I nod, biting my lip and looking away.

"Because you're named after-"

"Jack, I don't want to talk about it."

"Then don't."

I bite my lip. This is the most nervous I've been around this person since middle school. I fight back the tears that have been threatening to fall since high school.

"Diane, tell me what happened."

So I did.

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