In My Own Head

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So, this first poem is about what I hear, see, and feel in my head. Please don't take this lightly. This is an actual fear known as Scopophobia.

The staring eyes
They never leave
I'm trapped in this shell
In this never ending fear
The people watch me
I don't know who they are
Or where they came from
But they stare
They photograph
They scare
I'm never alone, am I?
It's always there
No matter what
When I walk
When I sleep
When I eat
When I breathe
I see the shadows lurking
They follow
They taunt
They make noises in the bushes
They smile at me with a toothy grin
A scary toothy grin
No one will listen
No one wants to help
They think I'm crazy
They don't believe me
I'm trapped in my own mind
Scaring myself
But something has to be there
It can't be just me
For it's always just me
And the stalker
I hear then outside
Tapping the wood of the house
Please tell me it's not just me
PleaseGet me out of my own head
Before it kills me

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