The Kiss :|: Part 2

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Katsuki Pov

I stood in the doorway. The shitty nerd was laying in a bed sound asleep. Recovery girl must have gone to lunch I thought, the room looked completely empty except for him.

"It should be okay to go in......" I thought out loud.

I cautiously entered the room, before I knew it I was at the side of his bed just looking at him. His freckles, they looked like stars Scattered across his face like confetti. His messy green hair looked so soft the thought if playing in it made my heart thump. His chest slowly going up and down with each breath in sleep he looked so delicate so fragile.

"Stupid nerd getting in a fight with that icy hot bastard you could have easily died! Tch......"
I shouted as if he could hear me....silly.

My thoughts are just a mess right now! Why am I thinking like this!?

"I just need some food. Yah! That's it I just need to go to the cafeteria and get away from this nerd! God, I bet his emotions are contagious!........"

I told my self all sorts but I found myself not being able to leave....why?...Why was that? He makes me mad even when he's sleeping argh! I kicked a nearby table like that would relieve stress. Guess the sound was pretty loud because suddenly the nerd's eyes fluttered open

"........Kacchan?......" He rubbed his eyes in a sleepy daze.

I don't know why but I ran out and just hoped he didn't see me....I'll go to lunch.

Midoriya Pov

I heard a loud bang and opened my eyes. Huh, I thought why was Kacchan in here?

".........Kacchan?........" I asked tiredly.

He darted out probably to go to lunch I guessed but why was he in here?

"Ack!-" I winced.

I looked down at my side a big scar- oh right I got in a fight with Todoroki I remember now.....

"I was so sure he would help but instead he just......." I slowly lifted myself off the bed with much effort trying not to move too much.

I was starving and since it was lunchtime I figured id go eat. I hobbled to the lunch room and sat down with my friends.

"Deku!?" Uraraka jumped up and ran over to go help me over.

The lunchroom got really quiet for a minute filled with whispers. I sat down trying to ignore them. But the silence was quickly broken by a hothead, my childhood friend.

"Deku...... I thought about the fight you got in and I figured it was time I tell you something I-" Uraraka was completely cut off.

What was she trying to say? I didn't have much time to think about it though because-

"DEKU!" Kacchan yelled across the cafeteria.

He began marching over and grabbed my shirt dragging me out the lunchroom much to Urarakas dismay. He threw me up against the wall far enough that others in the cafeteria could not hear what he said next shook me to my very core.

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