The Kiss :|: Part 4

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-Midoriya Pov-

I walked into the house and slammed the door to relieve some stress. My mom jumped a bit.

"Izuku are you okay?" She asked concerned.

"Haha Yah don't worry about it mom" I chuckled brushing it off to prevent further questions.

"Hmm....okay let me know if you wanna talk about it," She said slowly I knew she didn't believe me. I don't know what I was getting so worked up over anyway I just couldn't look Kacchan in the face after what I asked Todoroki- will Todoroki tell him!?

All these thoughts flooded my head and hit me like a tidal wave overwhelming it almost felt like I could drown.

Lost in thought I silently nodded to my mom and trudged up to my room.

-Katsuki Pov-

This is his house. I haven't been here in a while- Tch why am I even here!? Despite telling myself I didn't want to be here I reluctantly rang the doorbell.

"Katsuki!" Mrs.Midoriya smiled her comforting smile.

"Hello, Mrs.Midoriya Is Deku home?" I said feeling more comfortable around her.

"Yes, he's in his room come on in!" She stepped aside so I could enter. I thanked her for having me and set off to Deku's room. Trying to remember the layout of the house.

"Oh, those boys and their nicknames" She laughed a little.


My breathing got heavy, my feet started shaking. It felt so odd what was happening!? Just as I had finally worked up the courage to knock the door flung open.

"Shit......" It was like he lit a match under my heart. I swore it would pound out of my chest.

"K-Kacchan? What are you doing at my house?" Deku questioned.

I stood there frozen unable to speak, Suddenly Mrs.Midoriya was behind me. She shoved me in the room and closed the door.

"I told you Izuku close your door when friends come over I hate to accidentally eavse drop!" We heard footsteps fade down the hallway.

I was still shocked Mrs. Midoriya had been like that but that thought became a distant memory as soon as I had seen what happened. Deku was under me, my hands pushing on the ground next to his neck, my legs outside of his. Only then did I see the redness that crept across his face. His lips trembled and his eyes were wide.

"M-Move...." I said quietly as my face turned red.

"I can't Kacchan you on top of me....." he said sheepishly.

Embarrassed I jumped up thinking it couldn't be any more awkward. I didn't even realize it happened until it was too late

"I'm sorry" the words escaped my lips it was like I had uttered a forbidden word.

-Izuku Pov-

Did I hear right? Did Kacchan just....... apologize?

"What Kacchan?" I said questioningly. Trying to confirm what I thought he said.

"NOTHING YOU DAMN NERD!" He snapped back defensively his entire face flushed red.

I laughed silently seeing the blonde so on edge.

"Oh right! Umh what are you here for exactly?" I looked away quickly remembering our encounter earlier.

I squeezed my eyes shut anticipating what he was going to ask. His expression turned for flustered to serious in an instant.

"What did you and Todoroki fight about?" He leaned forward to whisper in my ear.

As blunt as ever I thought. He never skips around what he wants to ask.

"Nothing..." I leaned against the wall behind me.

"Stop saying that!" He stepped closer. " It wasn't 'nothing' so you're going to tell me what the hell happened!?" At this point, he was pressing me against the wall.

"I don't want to talk about it!"

"Was it something simple!? Was it his damn dad issues!? Was it out of the blue!? Who started it!?" I couldn't understand it he looked so mad. So many emotions rushed through me my eyes began to fill with tears.

"Was it a girl!?-" He was cut short by me.....

"No!......." salty tears slid down my face. He looked shocked by my sudden interjection.

"The complete opposite you damn fool! I asked him for help asking you out Okay........." Why wouldn't the tears stop flowing, I was crying too hard to see his expression.

"I guess he liked me and it hurt him....and then the fight happened and-...." I trailed off.

I tried to wiggle free, I couldn't stand to see his face right now but he used his body to keep me pressed firmly against the wall. I felt him wiping away my tears. My crying slowed and my head began to clear. He placed his thumb on my lip. With my eyes still glistening from tears, I looked at him confused and then I understood. His lips pressed against mine and his tongue entered my mouth in one swift motion. Unknowingly I melted into it, us both fighting for dominance and of course me losing. He pulled away for breath with only a single string of saliva connecting our mouths.

The look he had in his eyes was almost too much for me to handle. So lustful...So vulnerable. Huh? The O shape of his mouth had twisted into a smirk.

"Oh, you liked that? You looked so desperate for more when I pulled away." He licked his lips slyly, obviously satisfied I had enjoyed the kiss.

"S-Shutup...." I looked away blushing.

"Izuku~" he cooed. Something about the way he said my name made my heart pound.

"I love you...." I whispered.

He nodded in response to what I had said. It left me with butterflies in my stomach.

"Your My property now, so tell that Icy Hot Bastard to fuck off"

"Okay," I giggled. He pulled me into a strong embrace, and I buried my face in his chest.

"I love you," He said.

And I'll never forget the way he said it.


The Kiss -end-
Thankyou for reading on shot #1

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