On the Move: Part 1

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Morning had come, and the two hit the road again. They slowed their pace considerably, compared to yesterday. The further they got from the capital, the less soldiers they came across, the less danger they were in. Elara was nearing her limit, and they knew they needed to stop. Miyuki knew he was gonna have to treat her to something when he got the chance.

In the absence of adrenaline, Sawamura was overly aware of his proximity to the General. Yesterday, he was behind Miyuki; but today, with their casual pace, Sawamura was in front of Miyuki. He was too conscious of the General's arms around him-- he couldn't figure out what to do with his own. He settled for reworking the closest braid.

"Say," Sawamura began.


"I've never left Seidou. Have you?"

"Indeed I have. I've been to Inashiro, to the South; Meijin, to the West; Yakushi, to the Northwest; and Komadai Fujimaki, North of Yakushi."

"Tell me more about Meijin. What's it like?"

"Well, most of what I can remember was from when we were at war."

The stable boy lowered his head, obviously disappointed.

"However, when I was there last, back when I was the Lieutenant General, they were having a huge festival to celebrate their Founding Day."

As Elara trotted along the path, Miyuki described the music and the players. He recounted the smells and the sounds and the sights in as vivid detail as possible. He talked about the stalls lined on the streets with trinkets and goods. Miyuki's descriptions brought the festival to life for Sawamura, enjoying the memories, himself. The stable boy grew more excited by the second, longing to experience the festival. Time passed fast like this.

Before they knew it, they had reached the Western Villages. It was late afternoon, the sun was just setting, and the evening was starting to cool down. Miyuki was way more familiar with the Western Villages than the Eastern ones. He hopped off his horse and led Sawamura atop Elara to his favorite inn. After securing Elara, he helped Sawamura down.

Miyuki took Sawamura by surprise when he grabbed him by the waist and lifted him off of Elara. He stood chest to chest with the General, trapped between him and the horse. With Miyuki's hands on his waist, all he could do was look up at him as the awkward silence ensued.

"Let's, uh," Miyuki stepped away, "let's go inside."


Sawamura followed Miyuki into the inn and stood behind him in silence. Everywhere he looked, he caught staring eyes and muffled whispers. He hated how out of place he felt. When would this feeling go away? Would he ever find another place to call home?

Miyuki felt a tug at his cloak and glanced behind him to find Sawamura close, his hand clutching at fabric. The inn keeper handed Miyuki the key to their room and walked away.

"Come, Sawamura."

Miyuki led him down the hall to their room and unloaded their packs from his shoulders.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

"No, it's not nothing. It's okay, you can talk to me."

"I'm scared. I'm just scared. I've been in the capital all my life, I've never left. And now," he said as his head fell, "I can never go back to that- that place. I don't belong anywhere."

"Look at me," he said as he gently grabbed Sawamura's chin and lifted it.

His eyes were glossy and tears threatened to break free. 

"You're not alone, Sawamura. From the moment I picked you up in the castle, you have not been alone." He held Sawamura's face in his hands as a single tear escaped.

With his thumb, he wiped the tear away and placed a gentle kiss in its wake. He turned Sawamura's face over and mirrored the kiss on the other cheek. They stood in silence, eyes talking for them. Miyuki wasn't sure why but he understood exactly what Sawamura was thinking. Wordless conversations seem to be their specialty. Hesitantly, Miyuki leaned in and kissed his forehead. He embraced the smaller man, holding him close with a hand behind his head and one on the small of his back.

"I promise, we'll figure it out. Together."

They stayed like that for a while, breathing in sync. Eventually, the silence was perforated by a loud grumble.

"Ah, sorry. I'm just a bit hungry." 

"It's okay. Let's go and get some food. The Night Wall should be open now."

"What's the Night Wall?"

"It's their nighttime market. Amazingly, there are usually more people there than the morning ones."

Sawamura's features visibly lifted. Curiosity and excitement danced in his eyes, asking unasked questions as Miyuki's eyes reflected unspoken answers. Miyuki offered his hand.


Sawamura placed his hand in Miyuki's and allowed himself to be led along. He was practically skipping as the General took him out of the inn and down the street. Music could be heard in the distance. Wooden flutes played in time with drums that beat playful melodies. As they got closer, the sounds got louder, and Sawamura grew antsier. 

They were briefly separated by a pod of dancers, moving their bodies in time with the rhythms of the drums. Sawamura was stolen from Miyuki's grasp and instead twirled along the circle of dancers. They passed him back and forth, showing him the flow of the song. The General simply observed, as per usual. He traced the movements of the dancers and watched for any signs of danger. He would not let anyone damage him any further.

The stable boy laughed and spun alongside the dancers-- it was clear that he was enjoying himself. His smile radiated happiness and Miyuki relished in the warmth that spread across his chest. Eventually, the crowd dissipated and the dancers moved along, but not before three men and one woman placed flowers in his hair and placed kisses upon his left hand.

He blushed and looked to Miyuki for answers.

"It's their courting custom here. They were expressing their attraction to your beauty."

"They- they think I'm beautiful?"

"Indeed, they do" he said as he grabbed a flower from a nearby stall and placed it in Sawamura's hair, kissing his hand the same way that the others had done.

The stable boy gaped and watched the General hand a coin to the stall owner.

"Come, the food is further down the lane."

He grabbed his hand once again and took him further in. After eating, they began their return to the inn. Though, before they could make it, a soldier stopped them while exiting the Night Wall. 

"You... you're the General, are you not?"

He rested his hand atop his sheathed sword, to which Miyuki responded likewise. He whispered to Sawamura, instructing him to hide behind him.

"You must be mistaking me for someone else."

"No, no. I know who you are. The King is looking for you."

He couldn't get another word in before the fight begun. The General brandished his sword and parried the attacks from the soldier. Low blows knocked him back and turned into a counterattack that quickly ended with the soldier's death. Miyuki didn't like it-- these were his men after all. Desperately, he reached for Sawamura and ushered him along to the inn. 

"He couldn't have been alone. They are always stationed in pairs. Come, we must go."

They made haste and didn't rest until they were behind the doors of the inn.

"I know you wanted to sleep on an actual bed tonight, but we aren't safe here. The Western Forest is eight leagues southwest. We'll rest when we get there."

Sawamura nodded in understanding and helped in preparations.

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