Old Suit New Place

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There was a fair amount of training and hard work put into the new school. The best thing I was getting out of this was that my Japanese was getting better, like far better. It was really odd to be here because I kept to my self even though people came and talked to me, that and that I was visibly younger and smaller than the rest of the class. 

There was this one kid, Midoriya Izuku, that kept on looking at me and then turning away. He broke his finger during the exam, smart, but it is surprising that he doesn't know how to use his quirk, as these kids have had them for the majority of their life.

Anyway, the teacher comes in. "I am Here!" oh look it is All Might, he reminds me of Superman as they both are looked up to as the main hero, but they know how much support there is behind them.  Yeah so apparently we have a bomb situation for class today and we will be doing it in pairs, but I'm the odd one out so I wonder what he is going to do. I'm literally not supposed to be here and also we are wearing our suits, someone will recognize me and tell the others, right?

Anyway, they changed my suit for me, it was one of the designs that I showed to Mr. Nezu when I arrived the first day, but I didn't think he remembered it. The suit was similar to my other, but with red x's on the top of my hands, and on my chest, there was also a full cowl, with a mask that was white and another red x that was centered. The suit was mainly for covert missions, but it could probably be used for hero work.  The name of the alias that went with the suit was Red x, but people here wouldn't know anything about that.   

I avoided most of the boys in the locker room and left for people to show up at the practice area. The area was a replica of the one that I had the practical exam in.  As we got paired up in groups I ended up in my own group going against Mr. Awizawa, my knowledge was that it would be a fairly even match as he would only have his bandages because I don't have a quirk, #quirklessandproud. 

The first group to go was Midoria and his friend against a guy who clearly had issues and Lidia (he had a pro-hero brother). Midoria had a good fight, but overall he destroyed a lot of the building and some of the buildings surrounding him, also he passed out in the end. Other groups went and I learned more about their quirks and personalities. 

"Next up Robin against Awizawa sensie" 

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