Klance ^Smut/Fluff/angst^

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Lance's P.O.V.
It was a normal day in the castle, Shiro and Allura discussing battle plans, Coran cleaning the pods, Hunk and Pidge fixing something, Keith training and Me, roaming around the halls aimlessly. I seem to be doing that a lot lately, just wondering around the halls of the castle, looking for something to do, looking for a purpose.

I've always felt a slight disconnection with people, whether it be as soon as I meet them or years into friendship, things just don't work out and it frustrates me.

Is there something wrong with me? Am I really that annoying? I need to be better. People like funny right? I need to be assertive. T-pose. No thats too mainstream.

Which is why I was more than surprised when Keith had asked to be my boyfriend, yes you read correctly, the Keith Kogane asked me Lance McClain to be his boyfriend. It took me a while to come to terms with being bisexual, coming from a strict catholic family, my sister was actually the one to help me though and once the rest of my family found out things were a lot better. I didn't have to hide who I am, no more lying about going over to Hunks to hang out with a cute boy, it was a big relief. But I still don't understand why anyone would want to date me I mean I suppose I come off as "perfect" boyfriend material,

Slightly cocky

That last one is only half true I supposed. Now in the personality perspective I am a dominant character but in the sexual perspective I thought I always came off as slightly more submissive. With my lanky build and the fact that when I.... ya know, tug the rope I splurge in a little, fingerly penatration if you know what I mean. Which is why I was even more surprised when Keith had tugged me on top of him and demanded I,
'Enter him now or were breaking up.'
That was my first time, obviously it wasn't Keith's and I didn't want to disappoint so I did as instructed. Don't  get me wrong it was, amazing, but not what I thought it would be, once Keith had found out I was a virgin before that night he felt bad that I had such a "shitty" first time. Having the rush of a near death battle act as our stimulus  and not even bothering to shower afterward just passing out, was not exactly.. romantic. If course I thought it was fine, Keith was comfortable and that was all that mattered... right?


Keith's P.O.V.
Lance has been acting strange lately and I don't know what to do about it. He seems more distant from me and I'm almost positive its because of that shitty first time he had with me. The guilt still eats at me sometimes; now usually I like being the more dominant partner in bed but guessing from Lance's personality I did what I thought he was comfortable with. During the whole, sex, processes he looked like he was enjoying himself but at the same he looked a little... disoriented and confused, I played it off as it being his first time but I'm beginning to think it's something else
We have done other stuff since then, I mean it's been a few months since that night so of course we have, but every time I try to be ya know... sexy, he pulls away. I've spent all day training and waiting for Shiro to be done talking with Princess Allura so I can ask for some well needed advise, he is the only person I trust with this level of personal information.


I had just finished beating the pulp out of the last training bot when I heard the door swoosh open,
"End training sequence."
I turned around in hope of seeing Shiro but instead I came face to face with the man of the hour himself, Loverboy Lance My Hot Boyfriend McClain.

Dont tell ANYONE I said that.

I quickly yelled.
Was the closest thing to a response I got. I watched him walk over to one of the supply closets and pull out a mat looking thing,

Lance McClain One Shots: Klance, Shance, Allurance etc.Where stories live. Discover now