Lonely [Smut]

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Prompt: Seto gets lonely and decides to have a little fun with himself 

I've never done a solo Seto smut before but I hope this is good enough!  Also this will be a slow build up at first but then it gets good >w>

A/N!! This was rewritten from the ground up because I left it for so long and came back to it looking low quality, hopefully this makes up for the lost time <3 I also had to throw Isaac into the equation to really make this work but I can promise this is still Seto by himself for the most part, I just put a little spin on things ;)

Requested by hopelovesmc, I'm so SO sorry this is so late, I know you requested this like over a year ago, I hope I didn't disappoint with this ^^;


The brunet groaned softly in discomfort as he tossed and turned in his bed. This headache wasn't exactly helping him sleep and whatever he took for it wasn't doing its damn job either. Sitting up with a sigh, he threw the blankets off of him and stood before walking the 6 or so feet to his desk. Seto plopped himself into the chair and reached for the button on his computer to turn it on. Maybe playing Runescape will take my mind off of this headache, He thought to himself. Logging into his computer, he was met with the Discord logo, loading almost instantly, his recording software following shortly afterwards. Closing his OBS, he checked Discord to see who was on. The official server he had made? No one. Ok maybe some friends were online. Ty? ...Nope. What about Nate? He's always on Runescape...Nope he wasn't either. Seto went down his list of people and began to notice that no one was on. It was almost 4 in the morning, so of course everyone would be asleep.

He cursed to himself as he sat back in his chair, unsure of what to do to take his mind off of his head. "This damn headache is going to kill me before I can even find someone to play with..." Suddenly Seto had an idea. It was nearly 10 am in the UK, he could see if Isaac was awake and wanted to play! Quickly pulling up his DMs with Isaac, Seto's face flushed pink as he noticed the most recent messages on screen. He had forgotten about their previous conversation the night before which lead to some very interesting...exchanges. In front of him was an image sent by the British man himself with a spoiler over it so it was blurred. All Seto had to do was click to reveal the spoiler but he didn't need to. He knew exactly what it was. He felt his cheeks were warm and that the room felt hot all of a sudden. He no longer felt focused on his headache as he felt himself urged to click 'reveal' on the image. Though his memory served him well, he couldn't help but want to feel the rush of viewing such a lewd image again. Slowly hovering his mouse over the image, he had taken notice that Isaac was indeed online, but on a mobile device. A whole new idea formed in his head and he knew that Isaac was out and about. He felt a smirk tug on his lips as he reached for his phone and pulled the camera up.


Meanwhile, Seto was indeed correct. Isaac was out and about doing his daily doings such as shopping and going out to get brunch with a friend of his. Isaac waved his friend off and walked to his car, entering the driver seat before checking his phone once before hitting the road. He noticed that Seto was up at an ungodly hour. But, it was Seto, and he didn't want to deny that he couldn't argue with him about sleep no matter how much he tried. Pulling up the DMs between the two he nearly dropped his phone as he remembered the image he had sent Seto the night before. Isaac had been drinking that night and forgot to delete the message afterwards. Might as well do it now before Seto notices. Before he could even hit the delete button, his phone buzzed and his discord highlighted the unread message. Canceling the deletion of the image, he noticed that whatever Seto sent was also marked as a spoiler and it left him curious. Pressing his finger to see the spoiler image, he felt his face heat up and he forced himself to hide his phone in case any bystanders were to walk past his car. That Twit... He sighed. when he was sure the coast was clear, he slowly pulled his phone out again and took a second look at the image he had received. Sure enough he could tell what it was. This wasn't something you could find on google images, and he certainly didn't want to have to resort to that  if he wanted to see a good cock to get himself off. Taking notice of the caption sent with the image, Isaac knew he needed to get back home, and fast. He felt his pants getting uncomfortably tight and the temperature in his car seemed to rise by a couple degrees. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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