Planned [F]

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// Sorry if this is bad. I had to get my inspiration, and my love for this ship, out of my system. This is probably cringe AF but whatever. Btw, small hints at Tsuchako and Tododeku.

It was a spur of the moment type thing, but then again, most things are. If Tenya Iida, the class president, had really planned this out, he would have planned to get caught. But he didn't.

For once in his life, he completely had lost his composure and was totally vulnerable to the consequences of it. And so was his partner, Hanta Sero, who had simply just been enjoying himself.

How could anyone in their right mind think this was planned?


" Y-You were making out in the classroom?!" Midoriya yelped in a surprised manner, looking up at Iida with big, green, and surprised eyes, Todoroki nodding from beside him.

Color made it's way across the blue haired male's cheeks, he cleared his throat in a reluctant manner, " Not my proudest moment, but yes."

Uraraka began laughing, her cheeks flooding pink from the heat of the afternoon sun, and her body shaking with humor, " Wow, That's so unlike you!"

" Kero, I know," Tsuyu piped in, looking away from her girlfriend, who was clutching her hand far too tight now, " I heard Aizawa-Sansei found the two of you, Kero."

Iida shook his head at his friends and their prying behavior, " It doesn't matter how it happened, it won't happen again." He says, looking at his friends before saying, " This is my stop."

Iida gave them a quick wave before crossing the street at the stop sign, and proceeding to walk into a neighborhood his friends knew wasn't his.

" Where do you think he's going?" Midoriya wandered, looking up at Todoroki, who only shrugged, " Who knows." He replied in a monotone manner, and the discussion was dropped.


Iida stopped in front of a house, checking the address one more time just in case, but he had been here far too many times for him to mistake it for any other house, he raised a fist, knocking on the door.

Within seconds his boyfriend answered the door, already stripped of his school uniform, wearing his regular everyday clothes, " Good afternoon, what brings you here on this fine day?" He says, a smile on his face as he moved to let him in.

" I came to apologize for what happened earlier in the classroom." Iida says as he stepped inside, leaving his shoes at the door.

Sero swatted his hand through the air, as if trying to swat a fly, " Don't be ridiculous, things happen. Besides, We got off easy!" He says, walking to his room, his boyfriend following behind him.

Iida sighs, " I guess you're right, but this can't be a regular occurrence! I am class president, and we're students, not only that but upcoming heroes! And in order to be a good hero, we have to follow the rules." He says.

Within an hour his uptight attitude was gone, he was sitting on the floor, leaning his back against Sero's bed as he absentmindedly watched his significant other swivel around in a swivel chair, using his quirk to add tape-tassels to the side of his 'ride'.

" Why are you like this, Hanta?" The class president asks softly, smiling a bit as he watched Sero look up from his work.

" Like what? Incredibly awesome. This ride is sweet man." He says, patting his chair in an appreciative manner.

" No, I mean... addictive I guess." Tenya says, he probably wasn't making any sense, but it worked in his mind.

" Tenya, Don't get all emotional on me." Sero says with a smile, getting down from his swivel chair masterpiece to sit beside his boyfriend, who didn't hesitate to take his hand.

" I'm not!" Iida quickly defended, making a chopping motion with his free hand out of habit, before he relaxed again, " I just... can't help it."

Sero chuckled softly, leaning over to kiss his cheek (does he have lips?), causing a warm feeling of bliss flushing over Iida's body, color flooding his cheeks.

Sero rested his head agains his shoulder, his long limbs lazily sprawled out on the floor, which in comparison acted the complete opposite of his boyfriend, who laid stiff, his legs straight out in front of him, arms resting at his side, like he was ready to jump at any moment, with the exception of Sero's hand that rested in his own.

It was perfect, and sloppy, and spur of the moment type thing. But then again they were teenagers, most things are. But one thing's for certain, Iida hadn't planned to find love for early on in his high school career, and neither had Sero. It was a perfect, sloppy, spur of the moment type thing.

How could anyone in their right mind think it was planned?

End- March 2019


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