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Ethan Pov.

"I forgive you." James said, accepting my muttered apology I had just made towards him from across the vacant room. Grayson & him were still hugging on the floor while Emma & I had moved to the couch again, her sitting across from me with her hands resting on her stomach. My eyes trailed up to her face, seeing as she was already looking back at me with a proud smile. Probably because the first kind words to James came out of my mouth. I heard a small sniffle & my head snapped towards Grayson & James, trying to figure out who it came from. Grayson shifted his head up only slightly while still keeping his mouth pressed into James' shoulder. "Do you really think I'm disgusting?" I heard Grayson ask quietly as his voice was muffled by James' shirt. My facial expression softened as I saw my twin brother's heartbroken eyes peering at me. Fuck, I regret saying all of those things. "No, I was just angry. I didn't know what I was saying...." I trailed off, not knowing if I was lying to myself about that statement. I honestly didn't know what to think about Grayson liking his own gender. Grayson seemed unassured by my response as his body sagged further against James'. "Grayson I really didn't mean it. I'm sorry. You're not disgusting I promise, I just need...time to process all of this." I explained & Grayson nodded against James as he softly ran his hand through Grayson's hair in a comforting way.

A few moments passed before I decided to turn on the television again, wanting to rid the room of the awkward silence. I flicked through the channels as James & Grayson moved to go sit on the other couch to the side of Emma & I. I stopped on the channel that was playing 'Nightmare Before Christmas', it being a movie from Grayson & I's childhood. I felt Grayson's intent eyes on me as he recognized the movie. I almost smiled at the memory of Grayson, my father & I watching this movie every time around the holidays. Where did the good times go? That movie meant everything to our twelve-year-old-selves until something changed in our father & he decided to start abusing his own son for no apparent reason. My smile turned to a frown as I remembered why I wasn't as happy as much anymore.

The movie was suddenly interrupted as the channel got taken over by the news channel. The fuck? My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as the news channel spokesperson appeared on the screen & began to talk with a serious look on his face. "Attention, we will be experiencing high levels of winds tonight and extreme amounts of a mix between snow and hail. We advise you to stay inside and stay off of the roads. If you're away from home book a hotel closest to you for the night, the roads are extremely dangerous as they are coated with ice. We have yet to know when this snow storm will pass. Stay safe and stay warm." The brunette guy with a cheap grey suit explained. I sighed as the channel flicked back to the movie, looking over at Emma. "I guess you guys are staying the night." I stated, referring to both Emma & James. James gasped & clapped his hands together loudly, making a dazed Grayson jump. "Ah, a sister sleepover!" James exclaimed & I rolled my eyes, biting my cheek as hard as possible so I wouldn't laugh. Emma just nodded, pulling the chunky knit blanket tighter around her small body & shivering. It was pretty cold in here now that I think about it. Was the heater on?

"Grayson can you go check if the heater is working please?" I asked & Grayson turned his head to look at me with an odd expression. "What?" I asked as James also stared at me oddly. "You just said please." Grayson dragged out dramatically & I frowned while rolling my eyes. Emma sniffled a chuckle. "Who are you and what have you done with Ethan? Because you can keep him, I like you way more. You actually have....manners!" James announced & Grayson bursted out laughing as I scowled at them. "You're also hotter than Ethan, did you style your hair differently than his or something?" James continued & Emma laughed loudly as Grayson stared at James with an offended expression, pouring & taking his arm away from around James' shoulder. James laughed very femininely & poked Grayson's cheek. "Don't worry my poor child, you'll always be way hotter than that douchebag." James cooed while cuddling up to a fake pouting Grayson. "We look the same idiot." Grayson muttered & James chuckled. "Yes, except you have a heart. Something Ethan lacks entirely." James stated & Grayson grinned, letting a loud laugh escape his parted lips. "Ouch, that hurt." I stated, pretending my heart hurt as I laid my hand over my chest. Emma was wheezing as she laughed, causing me to reluctantly chuckle a little loudly. Emma's laugh was contagious.

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