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And even after all the heaping Alps of trouble, heartbreak, and sadness we had gone through...

I knew we would be all right in the end.

Because we loved each other.

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Authors Note

OH MY GOD WHERE DO I EVEN START. look I love all of you so fucking much and thank you for sticking through this fucking mess that I slapped into a few chapters and called a book. this book. this very book. shows my progress as a writer. how my layout started out, how the words I used and the fonts I used changed. all because of you guys. I would have never continued with this book or made it to the last chapter without you all. it breaks my heart to say it, but sadly this isn't another prank ending. it's real. I'm sorry. it had to be done. I was already getting sick of this book because of how much of a mess it was and I just needed it to be over. but I didn't want it to be a shitty ending so I tried my best. I'm actually crying right now as I type this..not joking. I love you guys soooo much. THIS IS NOT MY LAST BOOK!! I already have six other books in my drafts and one of them I will be posting in the next few weeks maybe (hopefully). I'm very excited for these other books though, because now that I've went through this book of experience, these books will be so much better written than this one. I stg. this book is so ugly bahahah. but I love you all. seriously. please don't cry too much. :( thank you for sticking with me through this and stay tuned for my next books. :)

also if you have any good book ideas for me, comment them here. ;)

Alps ✰ EthmaWhere stories live. Discover now