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Emma Pov.

I swallowed air uncomfortably as Cameron stood there smirking at me, his caramel brown hair being ruffled by the wind. "Cameron? Where's Ethan?" I asked, referring to how I got a note from Ethan saying to meet him out here. Not Cameron Fucking Dallas. Cameron chuckled with dry humor & then scoffed. "You really are fucking retarded. I wrote that note, not Ethan." He stated & my eyebrows furrowed. "Why?" I asked slowly, debating to run or not. "Meredith wanted my help." He said smoothly & my heart stopped beating at her name. "W-with what?" I stuttered hesitantly as he took a step closer to me. His dropped into a frown. "Did she not warn you the last time you guys had a little run in? I believe she told you; if you don't get out of her way she'll have somebody do something to you that will make you?" He reminded me & I felt a pit in my stomach as that piece of information I had been told resurfaced in me. "But I'm not even in her fucking way! I don't like Ethan like that." I argued. I don't like Ethan in that way...right? My heart contracted oddly.

I turned my attention back to Cameron. "So what are you gonna do...?" I asked, trailing off in uncertainty as he let out a low chuckle. "Something that will suck for you, but be great for me." He stated & I thought for a moment before realization dawned on me. He was gonna fucking rape me. I shook my head rapidly at him & turned around, starting to sprint away as fast as possible while yelling for help. I suddenly felt him grab me from behind & I screamed loudly as possible before he slapped his calloused hand over my mouth. I thrashed around in his grip as he dragged me back towards where we previously were. "Fucking stop it." He gritted out & shoved me against the brick wall, starting to unbutton his jeans. I screamed again & tried to run away while his hands were busy but he grabbed me again, pushing me onto the cement ground as I cried out. "Scream one more fucking time and I swear to God I'll break your goddamn arm." He spat & I flinched, wincing in pain from my back coming in contact with the hard surface of the ground. I shut my eyes in pain & my veins spiked with fear as I heard the foil of a condom being torn open. Tears left my eyes as I tried to sit up, only to be yanked up by him as he pushed me tightly against the wall again. He had his jeans down around his ankles & his boxers were bunched up down near his shins. I let out loud sobs, knowing there was nothing I could do as he fumbled with the button on my blue skinny jeans & pulled them down to my ankles harshly along with my laced underwear. My vision was blurry as I watched him stroke himself a few times before lining himself up in between my thighs. He rammed his whole length into me harshly without preparation & I screamed louder than I ever have, causing him to punch me into the stomach with harsh force. "What the fuck did I tell you-ah earlier." He threatened in my ear while moaning in between. I cried out loudly at the sharp pain in my stomach & when I tasted blood in mouth my heart suddenly dropped as I remembered something. I was fucking pregnant.

"Cameron no! Please stop, you can't!" I shrieked out in between sobs & his face turned into a snarl as he didn't stop thrusting painfully in & out, punching me in the stomach again. "No, Cameron!" I panicked loudly & my voice cracked in loss of hope & pain as he only punched me again in the same spot. He groaned & ducked his head down into my neck, pressing his lips to my skin as I tried to shove him away. "No!" I sobbed out quieter & he only moaned lowly against me, thrusting deeper which made me scream in pain. He slapped his rough hand over my mouth again & leaned near my ear while groaning. "Shut the fuck up, I bet I feel better than Dolan." He growled out & my heart sank at the thought of Ethan being brought into any of this. "You're just mad because he beat the shit out of you." I cried out confidently & immediately regretted it as he rammed his hips harder into me, hitting me harder than before in my rib cage. I coughed out in pain, horrified as I felt blood trickle down my jaw. His movements continued to get deeper as he cursed out while jamming himself into me harder than ever, making me cry out loudly in pain. Hot & sticky tears rolled down my cheeks repeatedly as I felt nauseous from the sharp pains spreading through me. More blood trickled out of my mouth as Cameron pressed his body closer to me while moaning deeply, putting pressure on my sensitive stomach.

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