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Emma Pov.

"Ethan, calm down." I said, watching the way his knuckles were turning white from how hard he gripped the steering wheel & how his eyes held a dark glint of emotions. I didn't receive a response from him, making me sigh & sink back into the fabric of the passenger's seat as I bit the inside of my cheek. I would not cry right now. I had to be strong for Ethan so he wouldn't be anymore distracted from driving us to the hospital. We had only just received the frantic call from James sobbing a few minutes ago that Grayson had been hit head-on by a car. I had put James on speakerphone & asked him to explain what happened, my nerves flaring as Ethan rushed to grab his keys while still listening to the phone call. James had said that they got into an argument at the small coffee shop downtown & that he had told Grayson to leave, then apparently Grayson wasn't looking where he was going & the car didn't slow down in time. Tears had pricked the corners of my eyes, threatening to fall as Ethan froze in his tracks, looking at me with pointed glare but I could tell it wasn't actually at me.

"This is his fault." Ethan growled, bringing me out of my thoughts & I turned to look at him. "What?" I asked, my voice a little shaky from the anxious tingles running through about the possibility of my best friend laying on his deathbed at the moment. "James. It's all that fucker's fault." Ethan continued, his voice dropping down an octave as he took a sharp right turn onto a new road. The hospital was on this road. I looked at him in disbelief. "It is not James' fault, Ethan. Everyone gets into arguments." I stated & he only clenched his jaw, pressing his foot down harder onto the gas pedal as we neared the large white building. Just looking at the way Ethan's knee bounced anxiously & how he would swallow nothing over & over, just showed how nervous he was to see his own twin brother. I was deadly afraid for my bestfriend too, but Grayson had a bond with Ethan that nobody else could understand. Even if there were a few complications in their bond right now.

Ethan practically drifted into a random parking spot, not even parking right as his 'Range Rover' landed over the yellow line that separated two parking spaces. He unbuckled his seatbelt faster than ever & opened his car door, jumping out. I copied his actions, the jump down from the floor of the car & onto the concrete being a little farther for my shorter frame. I slammed the car door shut behind me & jogged to catch up with a fast-walking Ethan who had his hands curled into fists at his sides, showing clear signs of anger & some other emotion. We shoved through the main doors of the hospital & headed straight to the front desk. "May I help yo–" The office lady began but was cut off. "Grayson Bailey Dolan." Ethan blurted out & the older lady nodded, typing away at her computer, her lips forming a small frown. "He's undergoing emergency surgery for acute trauma at the moment, you can't see him until the procedure is over, but you may wait in the waiting room–" She explained & was interrupted again by Ethan slamming his fist on top of the desk. "I need to see him!" Ethan growled & the lady jumped a little, pushing up her glasses as she held up a hand for him to stop. "Sir, I'm afraid–" She started & Ethan looked like he was about to lunge over the counter as his fingers gripped the edge of it tightly. "Let me see him, now." Ethan interrupted her again, his voice going dangerously low. "Ethan." I whispered, placing a hand on his arm in which he only shook off. I didn't want him to cause a scene.

"Emma! Ethan!" I heard James suddenly call out in a shaky voice & Ethan & I both turned our heads, looking over in the direction of James walking over from the waiting room. He looked like a mess, his face flushed red, both dried & wet mascara running down his face as well as his shaky posture. "James." I said & was about to walk over to him until Ethan opened his mouth. "This is your fault!" Ethan stated, jabbing a finger in the air towards James which made him stop in his tracks. "What?" James asked in shaky voice. "Ethan, stop." I said & he ignored me, taking a step closer to James. "You're the one who yelled at Gray! You told him to go away! If you would've kept your damn mouth shut and let him explain himself then this wouldn't have happened!" Ethan continued to yell, now catching the attention of other nurses & people waiting for their own family or friends. James' face looked caught between sad & disbelieving. "You're defending him over that?! He cheated on me Ethan, what did you expect me to say?! I was upset." James shot back & Ethan stepped closer again, me trailing behind him as I debated what to do. "He didn't cheat on you retard! If you weren't so fucking clumsy & didn't drop your phone then you would know what actually happened! Or if you...oh I don't know," Ethan paused sarcastically before continuing, "actually decided to shut up and listen to what your own boyfriend has to say?!" James gasped, a few more tears running down his cheeks, whether they were of anger or sadness was unclear. "At least I didn't fucking abuse the love of my life only because my daddy doesn't love me!" James shouted back, referring to when Ethan used to bully me everyday & even my mouth dropped open at the last part. Why would James go there right now?

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