Our Anniversary (PewdieCry)

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I never had no one

I could count on

I've been let down so many times

I was tired of hurtin'

So tired of searchin'

'Til you walked into my life

It was a feelin'

I'd never known

And for the first time

I didn't feel alone

It was their 2 year anniversary. Cry was busy cooking dinner while Pewds was in his office finishing off his recordings for the next day. Cry had the night all planned out. First a romantic dinner, then a trip to their beach of a night time walk, then home for a movie. Any other night they would be either snuggled on the couch watching reruns or busy in their offices recording. But even thought the both had busy schedule they always made time for each other just like to night. As Cry cooked the pasta he thought about when Pewds had first moved in with him 3 years ago.

Cry was sitting alone at his computer desk. He was nervous. Any minute now his new room mate would arrive. He had always lived alone even when he lived at home he spent most of his time alone. He had spent the last few days setting up the 2 spare rooms he had one as an office and one as a bedroom for Pewds. He was excite that Pewds was coming to live with him even if it was only for a few months until he could find a place of his own in LA. Either way Cry would be a little less lonely at least of a little while. Cry had been lost in thought when he was startled by a knocking at his front door. He had a little too excitedly jumped up from his chair and sprinted to the door. He stopped to calm down before slowly opening the door.

"Hay Cry"

"Hello friend did you have a good trip?" He smiled from behind his mask

"Yes I did but I'm hungry can we go eat?" Pewds asked


Cry grabbed his keys and they left. Being so close to Pewds was rather hard for Cry. He won't admit it out loud but secretly he was in love with Pewds. It was at times like this he was thankful for his mask.

Cry smiled as he poured the pasta through the strainer. That had been a great night and the first of many. Pewds certainly knew how to make mischief and convince unwilling accomplices. As Cry was plating up Pewds walked into the kitchen. His arms quickly made there way around Cry's waist.

"Happy Anniversary honey" He whispered in Cry's ear

"Happy Anniversary" Cry gave him a quick kiss

Cry wiggled out of Pewds arms and carried the plates to the table.

-Time skip because I can-

Cry and Pewds had arrived at the Beach just as the sun was going down. Cry linked their fingers together as they walked towards the waves. They had left their shoes in the car. The sand was still warm from the days heat. The water had a slight nip to it was but still pleasant. As they walked Pewds thought about this day 2 years ago.

Pewds and Cry where hanging out at an arcade. Pewds wanted to spend one last day hanging out with his best friend before moving across the country. He had finally found a small place not to expensive and close to the Youtube Space (since he didn't have a license or a car). He could tell Cry was upset but trying to hide it. He had finally shed that mask but only today had he done soon. Why now? Why did he have to show his beautiful face just before Pewds had to leave? Pewds knew somewhere deep down he had fallen for Cry but Cry was straight Pewds knew that. As the sun began to set Cry pulled Pewds away from the loud sounds of video games and people yelling and onto the quiet beach. They walked for a little while until they happened upon a small cave on the cliff side. They walked in and took a seat on the cool cave sands and looked out upon the reflection of the setting sun in the waves.

"I don't want you to go Felix" Cry used his real name

"I don't want to leave either" Felix said

"Then don't stay here with me" Cry looked hopeful

"You know I can't Ryan I've already intruded enough"

"No you haven't, I was so lonely before you moved in and I don't want to feel that way again, Felix I-I love you" Ryan whispered the last part

Ryan turned away from Felix and hid his face. There was silence between the two for a small while then Felix sighed. He moved to pull Ryan into a hug. Ryan happily wrapped his arms around Felix although some what confused. Felix moved one of his hands under Ryan's chin to make him look at him. Felix smiled and captured Ryan's lips in a soft yet passionate kiss, one Ryan happily returned.

"I-I love you too Ryan" Felix smiled "I guess this means I'm staying"

Pewds and Cry now sat in that same spot watching the sun until it was almost pitch black in their cave. Cry was curled into Pewds arms not wanting to move but knowing they soon had to.

You stand by me

And you believe in me

Like nobody ever has

When my world goes crazy

You're right there to save me

You make me see how much I have

And I still tremble

When we touch

And oh the look in your eyes

When we make love

When at last they finally did decided it was time to leave it was only because Cry was falling asleep in Pewds lap. The drive home was in peaceful, content silence. By the time they arrived back at their home Cry had some of his energy back. He managed to convince Pewds to watch a movie before bed. Being that A. Cry was a sap for romantic comedy's and B. It was almost Christmas he decided on Love Actually. But of course 30 minutes in Cry was out cold curled into Pewds side. Pewdie let out a small chuckled before for kissing the love of his life on the nose and carrying him up to bed. He then returned down stairs to turn off the TV but not before he noticed a certain someone sitting on the lounge.

"Sup Guy where have you been?" Asked Pewds

"If you must know I've been with Nate for the last week little squirt decided to take me home" Sup Guy thought (as he could only communicate that way)

"Oh sorry we didn't figure that out" Pewds rubbed the back of his neck

"No problems his a good kid"

"How about to come cuddle up between Cry and I his been missing you" Pewds picked up Sup Guy in one hand and turned the TV off with the other

Pewds then made his way to bed. He placed Sup Guy on the bed before quickly changing into a pair of green sweat pants and climbing in next to Cry. He pulled Cry over to him but left enough room for Sup Guy to curl up between them.

What a perfect way to end a perfect day, curled up with his family.

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