I'm Hopelessly In Love with my Best Friend (SeaNanners x Reader)

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You fumbled with your keys picking out the key given to you for times like this. You slide the key with trembling hand into the lock, turning it. Tears made it nearly impossible for you to see as you dropped a bag and your keys inside the door. You wrapped your arms around your trembling frame and made your way up the stair case. You headed straight for the room at the end of the hall where a light was shinning out from under the door. It was 7 pm and you would usually be at home hanging out with your boyfriend but tonight you had gone out for drinks with friends and come home to find your boyfriend in bed with your sister. You'd grabbed a bag you hadn't unpacked from your recent trip to PAX Prime and left. You opened the door to the office causing the man sitting in the chair to jump and spin around facing you. You stood there shaking and sobbing. The man from the chair stood up and ran over to you pulling you into a hug. You gripped onto his shirt not wanting to let go.

"You were right Adam" You admitted

"About?" He asked


"What did he do?" You felt Adam's grip tighten around you

"He cheated on me with my sister"

"Do you want me to beat him up?" Adam asked

"Adam your a stick" You giggled

"Ah there's that smile" Adam smiled down at you

"Can...Can I stay here tonight?" You looked up at him

"Of course your my best friend after all" Adam said with a bit of sadness in his voice

"Adam are you okay?" You asked

"Your the one who showed up crying"

"But you sound sad as well"

"I'm sad because your sad" Adam said

You hadn't realized this whole time Adam had been holding you. You were nice and warm in his arms not to mention comfy you didn't want to move but had to. You pushed Adam away slightly and kissed him on the cheek something you both done to let the other know you were okay.

"I'm going to shower and get into my PJ's" You smiled at him patting his chest as you walked out of the room

"Okay then I'll be here if you need me" Adam smiled watching you walk off

-Adam's P.O.V-

I smiled as a goof ball as she walked down the hall. What as I thinking? She would never love me well never more then as a best friend. I sighed and slumped back into my chair. I opened Skype I needed to talk to Max. Lucky for me he was almost always online. I found his name on my list and called.

"Hay Adam what's up?" Max asked

"Hay Max I just really needed someone to talk to"

"Why man what's going on?"

"______ is here her boyfriend on her with her sister so I'm guessing they split up because she's staying here"

"The problem?" Max asked confused

"Well problem one would be that I don't have an extra bed because I've been to lazy to build the bed to go in the spare room and I've fallen hopelessly in love with her" I mumbled the last part

"Tell her" Max said straight out

"Are you mad?" I nearly yelled "I don't want to ruin our friendship"
"Adam you've been by her side almost everyday since she was born 24 years you've known each other do you really think she's going to give you up after 24 years? Better yet do you think her mother would want you two to fall apart?"

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