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I get out of my frozen state and quickly throw the cover over Jimin's bare chest while I get up from my bed.

I try to make my way over to my mom but she quickly closes the door and I can hear her make her way downstairs.

Oh my god, why did this have to happen like this? I was suppose to tell her myself. She wasn't suppose to find out like this. Oh god, what am I going to tell her?

I feel jimin wrap his arms around my waist and rest his head on my shoulder, making me relax a little.

"It's ok Hyung. You just need to go talk to her. I can wait here if you want." I shake my head no and turn around while still being wrapped in his arms.

I gently caress his cheeks and smile at him. "No I want you to be there with me." He nods his head and picks up both of our shirts that were discarded on the floor.

We put them on and fixe ourselves up before heading down. Half way going down the stairs I get scared, what if she doesn't accept me? What if she doesn't want to even talk to me?

But all the negative thoughts and doubt goes away the second Jimin takes my hand in his and gives me a reassuring smile. He pulls me along with him down the stairs and I let him, taking deep breaths in and out as we neared my mom.

He stops in front of the kitchen and looks at me and I nod my head and we both enter.

I see my mom in the kitchen taking out and plating all sort of treats. She then takes out the kettle and starts to make tea. Are we going to have guests?

When she notices we're standing there she smiles softly and motions for us to take a seat. I hesitantly take my seat and Jimin takes his. She's not mad?


"We'll wait for your dad to come before we start to talk. I called him so he should be here soon." I nod my head calmly but I wasn't calm in anyway. This was all not happening the way I planned it too. I was going to tell them soon but not like this. I wanted it to be on my own accords but I guess it is my fault for trying to do something with Jimin when anyone could have came right in. Its not like we were even trying to be quite about.


"Hyung?" I look to him to see him giving me his cute puppy eyes and I couldn't help but melt. I am really soft for him. I cup his cheeks and pull his face closer to mine to gently rub my nose on his. "What is it angel?" He gives me a little pout and looks away for a second then he looks back to me with an even bigger pout. God my heart hurts from this cuteness.

"I'm sorry for suggesting we should do that. I-I'm sorry you d-didn't get to chose when they found o-out on your own." I look at him with a soft look and give him a peck on the lips and he gives me a goofy smile and rests his head on my shoulder and I peak a glance towards my mom to see her with a warm smile.

I guess she isn't angry about me being with a guy.

"Honey, what was so important for me to rush over here for?" My dad enters the kitchen while letting out a gruff in annoyance. I tense when he comes into the room and Jimin was about to back away from me but I just hold onto him. If he isn't by me then I wont be bale to stay calm. He lifts his head up from my shoulder but keeps our hands together. I let our entertwined hands stay above the table so my dad would see.

My mom was about to answer him but he interupts her when he sees us sitting at the kitchen table.

"Oh hi son and Jimin. How are the two of you guys doing?" I look at him a little confused because he didn't seem to mind us holding hands or he might of not noticed yet. But how could he not? They're right on top of the table, there for anyone to see.

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