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Curiosity got the best of Taehyung as he suddenly felt his feet moving without his brain processing it properly.

He followed the trail that could only just be seen in the glinting light. He tried to be as quiet as he could for the sake of this thing that maybe didn't want to be disturbed.

Was it a thing? Or was it a human who he just got confused with it being late and him being sleepy? But then again he wasn't sleepy and what human drops glitter when they walk?

As he made his way down the quiet street, he tried listening out for anything as well as keeping his eyes on the trail. He was glad nobody was around, otherwise people might think he'd gone mad or was lost.

The trail soon turned a corner as he looked up to find it was a house nobody lived at anymore. Nobody had lived there for years.

The paint on the window frames were cracked and peeling off with wood that had rotted and worn away in bad weather. The garden was overgrown as the windows were all black but he knew the house was bare on the inside. Nobody ever took notice of this house despite it being quite a nice house to live in.

He saw that the trail lead around the back end of the house as he slowly made his way round there, nearly holding his breath as to not make a sound and frighten whatever he was.

He crept around and sighed as he saw that the glitter stopped when it got to the broken and worn out fence. He must have jumped over it into the back garden.

Taehyung didn't want to leave him but he couldn't intrude on a house with nobody there. Especially if it will frighten the boy who must be hiding in there. Which struck another question.

Why was he in such a hurry and why was he hiding? Taehyung wasn't scary looking. Unless he was running from something else.

Then he realised that this thing had nothing to eat since nobody could feed him here and by the looks of it he was too frightened to go down to a shop to get food.

Grabbing his chocolate bar, he thought about how much he loved that chocolate. But he knew somebody else needed it more than he did.

He wondered if this boy would come out to get it.

Maybe if he 'left' he would.

Laying the chocolate bar down on the floor, he went and knocked on the fence before running behind a dustbin, making it sound like he'd gone as he peered out from behind, waiting to see.

After a few minutes of nothing, he thought about leaving. Maybe this boy had gone some place else or maybe he was too scared to come out.

Just as he was about to get up, he froze when he heard the gate unclick, it slowly creaking open as he held his breath, his eyes going wide.

The boy was stood there, only seen by the bright moon as he looked around, seeing if anyone was there before he made a small gasping sound when his eyes fell on the chocolate bar.

He picked it up as he stared at it, smelling it before he unwrapped it. His eyebrows stayed knitted together in confusion the whole time which told Taehyung he'd never had chocolate before.

He snuck a look at his ears and he couldn't believe what he saw. They were pointy. He was right.

Rubbing his eyes in case they were tricking him he looked again, only to see he wasn't being deceived and they were quite clearly pointy ears.

They were tiny to be fair, the same size as normal ears but with a huge point. They were... adorable.

Looking back at his face, he saw he'd unwrapped the chocolate, lifting it to his mouth as he took a bite of it.

His eyes lit up as he felt the sweet taste hit his taste buds, melting on his tongue as he smiled at it. Jimin had never had something so delicious in his life. And he loved sweet things.

He had such a sweet tooth.

Taehyung smiled as he saw the boy smiling, taking the chocolate bar back into the garden with him before shutting the gate. Taehyung cursed himself as he wished he'd come out to greet the boy and say he meant no harm.

He stood up, silently creeping away as to not alert the boy that he'd been there this whole time.

That's when a plan formed in his head.

If he gave him some food everyday, he'd be able to show he meant no harm. That meant he could see him again too.

If he was there the next day.

On his walk home, he realised that the glitter trail was still on the floor. What if somebody saw it and followed it? They would find the boy. He didn't want anyone to find that boy.

As he walked, his foot scraped across the floor as he kicked away all the glitter into the road or into peoples gardens, trying to erase any evidence that anything had happened.

That boy was a secret. His secret.

Jimin didn't hear Taehyung creep away as he smiled, eating the last bit of the brown stuff as he looked at the wrapper, reading what it said.

'Chocolate?' He thought as he swallowed the last bit, throwing the wrapper in a bucket that had been left in the little shed he was in.

He'd tried getting into the house, but the doors were locked, so the shed had to do. It wasn't ideal as the wood was rotten and there were holes in the roof that helped the cold or the rain get in. But it was safety.

Jimin cursed himself as he knew it must have been that cute guy he bumped into. The really cute one.

All he could imagine in his head was his face and how beautiful it was. It was literally like someone out of a painting.

He was stunning and Jimin had panicked when he saw his ears.

It was just an instinct now.

But god he wanted to cut his ears off. They were the reason that boy slipped right through his fingers.

Was it him who gave him the chocolate? It had to be right? Nobody else saw him.

Jimin hopes he'd do it again. He loved the chocolate he brought him but the main reason was so he actually knew this boy was real. What if all of this was a dream and there was really nobody that kind in the world?

I need to upload more lmao

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