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Jimin burst in through the door as he ran up the stairs to gather whatever he has and leave.

Taehyung and Jungkook were quick to follow as Jungkook went upstairs to help him, Taehyung being stopped by his mother who heard all the banging about and came out of the living room to see what it was.

"What's happening? Is Jimin okay? Are you okay? Is Jungkook?" She asked so many questions
"Yes mom we're fine! Jimin has to go" he went to leave, his mother grabbing a hold of him again.
"Go where?" She asked, Ailee coming around the corner.

"What's going on?" She asked cutely
"Ailee go back in there right now" Taehyung's mom spoke as Ailee pouted but did as she was told. She heard the urgency in her mother's voice.

"The werewolves are after Jimin because he has a pearl of some sort" Taehyung spoke as his mother went wide eyed
"The werewolves? They didn't hurt you did they?" She asked, checking her son was okay
"No we're fine like I said but Jimin has to go before they find him again" Taehyung spoke urgently, trying to go to help his friend get ready.

"Tae hold on..." his mother stopped him once again.
"It wasn't the pearl of Zemblanity was it?" She asked, her voice shaking with fear as Jimin came down the stairs, a bag in hand with very few supplies like some snacks for his journey.

"Jimin, show me that pearl now!" She raised her voice, giving Jimin a stern look. He looked at her slightly confused before sighing, getting it out of his pocket as he showed it, it's dark blue shining lightly as his mother instantly gasped.

"You took the pearl of Zemblanity?" She spoke with utter shock laced in her voice
"You need to go right now!" She spoke

"What are these pearls?!" Taehyung shouted as he was growing tired of not knowing what they were. Jimin sighed as he took the pearl out once again, using it to bring up a number of other pearls.

"The top rulers get some pearls to protect. The fairies have the pearl of Epiphany. The vampires have the pearl of Euphoria. The Mermaids have the pearl of Singulariy. There are many more and each one has another that does the opposite effect" he explained
"When the pearls are put with there opposite, they can do really great things or really bad things" Jimin spoke as he looked at this.

"We elves have the pearl of Zemblanity" He spoke
"What does that mean?" Jungkook asked
"It means unhappiness and unpleasant. Like something you would rather not know about" He spoke as he looked at Taehyung's mother before looking to the floor when he saw the look of worry on her face.

"Why do the werewolves want it so bad?" Taehyung asked, a pause being followed before Jimin took a deep breath.
"They have the pearl of Serendipity to protect, meaning happiness and excitement" Jimin spoke before looking at the dark pearl again.
"The opposite of Zemblanity"

It all made sense now. Why they wanted it so bad.

If they got that pearl, they'd have the power to do whatever they want. That is exactly what Namjoon was hungry for.

"I-I have to go" Jimin began to walk out
"Taehyung is going with you" Taehyung mother spoke up, everyone turning to her with a surprised and shocked face.

Slowly she turned to her son, placing her hand on his cheek as he looked at her with wide eyes and utter shock.

"I don't want to send you away but Jimin needs your protection and guidance" she spoke, her eyes filling with tears as she stroked down his cheek, running a hand through his hair.
"Be sage and keep Jimin safe too" She spoke as she pushed him to the door with Jimin by his side.

"I'm going too then!" Jungkook stepped forward
"Jungkook no! We can't put you in danger" Jimin spoke. He was already feeling terrible that Taehyung was now in danger for coming with him, but Jungkook too, he would never forgive himself if something happened to them.

"I'm going with you! You need all the help you can get" Jungkook spoke as he grabbed his wallet and phone to take for the journey in case they needed it.

Reluctantly, the two boys agreed to take Jungkook with them. He would be useful but it means he's putting his life at risk too.

"Tae Tae! Chim chim! Kookie!" They heard as Ailee ran around the corner.
"You're leaving?!" She asked as she too had tears in her eyes
"Just for a while, we'll be back I promise" Taehyung spoke as he hugged his little sister tightly, kissing her forehead.
"Goodbye Ailee" Jungkook leant down and hugged her as she cuddled him back.

Then Jimin leant down, whispering something in her ear that made her smile, although nobody else heard it as Taehyung was curious as to what he said to her.

"Thank you for everything" Jimin turned to Taehyung's mother as Jungkook did too, bowing to her as she blew them both a kiss.
The two heading out of the door.

As they had gone, Taehyung came over to her, hugging her tightly
"I can't believe you're okay with this" Taehyung spoke as he was still in disbelief that this was all happening. A few days ago he was living a normal life. Now he was on the way to find an elf world in order to protect the whole world.
"I'm not comfortable with it but.." she pulled away
"You're Jimin's protector now" She spoke, Taehyung growing confused
"Protector?" He asked

"The only reason Jimin was seriously hurt or dead when the werewolf hit him as hard as it did today was because you were there" She spoke quietly
"You have to be by Jimin's side no matter what or he could be killed by them" She told him as she held his hands.
"But what about me? What if I die?" He asked her as he suddenly felt a big pressure on his shoulders
"Jimin won't let that happen. His priority will be to protect both you and Jungkook and he knows it" She spoke, kissing his forehead.

"I'm so glad I have a mom who knows all about this" Taehyung laughed as she did too, stroking his cheek again.
"It's complicated but you'll learn as you go and don't question anything for too long" she spoke before she pushed him to the door.

"Be brave and remember to stay by Jimin no matter what" she spoke as Taehyung nodding, walking out of the door as he joined his two friends on a journey he never thought he'd have.

He would call it an adventure, but adventures are fun. He can already tell this is not going to be fun.

Wow exams are really catching up to me now. The next grades are being sent off to university's as predicted grades so that's just great isn't it...

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