Chapter 3

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The rest of the week flew by, and I had forgot all about calling Ice Cube. Tonight  I was getting ready to go out with Eazy and his friend Lorenzo a.k.a Ren. I talked to Tianna earlier and she was gonna meet us there, with our other friend Kira. I was finishing up my make up when E walked in

"Goddamn you ain't ready yet?"

"Fuck you I'm almost done." I said putting on my lipstick

"You don't need to be putting all that shit on your face anyway."

"Nigga you ain't my damn daddy." I snapped putting the cap back on my lipstick. Then I grabbed my purse and stood. Then he glared at me again

"What?" I snapped again

"You wearing that?" He asked motioning to my crop top and high waisted skirt. I rolled my eyes

"Whatever let's go." I said pushing past him

"You know I can't  be strapped at Doo-To's." He said following me out of the house  I just ignored him and just got in the car. Eazy got in then looked at me again

"I still think you should change." He said and I hit his arm

"Drive Eric!" I said. We stopped on the next block over to pick up Ren, then we were on the way to the club. When we got there they checked my purse and patted down Ren and E. I looked around and spotted my girls immediately. I waved and Tianna rushed over almost knocking two big ass men over to get to us. She pulled me into a hug, when she pulled back my jaw dropped the dress she had on was almost see through.

"Hey!" She said with a smile

"Hey......Wow look at you." I said

"I know right." She said and I glanced at Kira over her shoulder who just shook her head. The next thing I know Tianna grabs my arm

"Come on Shanice, now hook me up." She said pulling me over to Eazy. I rolled my eyes and tapped Eazy on the shoulder

"E this is my friend Tianna. Tianna this is my cousin Eazy E." I said as Eazy looked her over then smirked. I felt like I was gonna throw up, both of them are a pair of creeps, I just took a step back as they started talking. Then I walked over to Kira, who handed me a drink

"Thanks." I said and she nodded

"So Eazy and Tianna?"

"Don't ask, I swear to God that is your friend." I said nodding to Tianna

"No you are not dumping that hot mess on me."

"Why did you let her come out of the house like that? How did she get out of the house like that?"

'You know her mama doesn't care what her kids do as long as they leave her alone, and as for that outfit. I just pulled up and she came out wearing that."

"I told her she is playing a dangerous game, because did you know she's been messing with Winston?"

"Crenshaw Winston?"


"That girl needs professional help." She said and I nodded in agreement.

"Look forget her because somebody has a birthday coming up!"

"Please you just want to party." I said and she nodded

"Yes I do and you better be having one."

Nothing Even Matters (O'Shea Jackson Jr/ Ice Cube)Where stories live. Discover now