Chapter 7

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'The boyz n' tha hood are always hard, come talkin that trash we'll put you card' I rapped along with Eazy's track. It took two long days but he got it and it was dope. He sounded like a natural, making me feel a little bad about laughing at him the other day. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder and I looked and saw Shea. So I relaxed and leaned into his side. I looked around the room everyone was jamin to the song. I saw Tianna planted on Eazy's lap whispering in his ear, I did my best to ignore it. I knew that wasn't gonna end well so I was just gonna stay out of it. O'Shea and I have practically inseparable since we kissed. We're not official or anything, but I really liked him and I could see this going somewhere.

After Boyz'n the hood was released. Eazy, Dre, Shea, Yella, and Ren formed a group that they decided to call N.W.A 'Niggas wit Attitudes'. I thought that shit was brilliant, they put out a mix tape called N.W.A and the posse. That featured D.O.C and a few of other up and coming rappers. Ruthless Records was defiantly starting to take off. Eazy and Dre finally let up on me and let me do some writing behind the scenes. I was currently working with Ruthless's latest artist and Dre's latest side piece Michel'le. I was trying to get her work on this song I just finished called 'Killing me Softly'

"Why can't you just sing the fucking song!" I snapped I was like two seconds away from hitting her

"Because I don't think it's me." She said in that annoying high pitched voice of hers

"Oh really?" I faked and she nodded

"Well here's  an idea...Write you own fucking songs!" I snapped then Dre stepped in

"Chele why don't you go get us something to eat?" He said and she left the room

"Dre I know that's your girl, but you know me. So you better get her."

"Look Niecy your song is dope, but it ain't Michel'le." He said and I rolled my eyes

"Whatever, I'm out." I said getting up

"No, no, no I meant it ain't for her because she can't handle it. This is your song, you need to sing it, it's the only way it'll be done right


"Look I've working my magic and I got a few beats that I think would go good with your lyrics. Just listen alright." He said

"Fine I'll listen." I said and he played a dope beat which wasn't a surprise.

"Dre yeah that shit is hot but I can't."

"Shanice come on, you have a gift and you cant just sit around here wasting your talent. I'm not gonna let you do it." He said and I shook my head

"How about this. We do one take you record your song. Then let the dudes hear it, if they don't like it we don't take it any further."

"One take?" I asked and he nodded

"One take but you gotta be for real about it."

"Alright deal." I said then we shook on it

"Alright now get yo ass in the booth." He said and I hit his arm

"Fuck you." I said then I got into the booth. I shut the door and put the headphones on, then I felt like I was gonna be sick

"Just relax Niecy." Dre said and I nodded then took a deep breath. Then I started singing.

'Killing me Softly'

when I finished I heard clapping, I opened my eyes and saw Eazy and everyone standing by the door. I blushed and covered my face

"You killed that shit Niecy." Dre said and I smiled then stepped out of the booth, and Eazy pulled me into a hug

"You gotta let us put this shit out." He said

"I don't know E."

"Shanice that was dope." Yella said then I looked at Shea

"You can agree or we'll do it anyway." He said and  I glared at him

"I know for a fact you have more songs why don't you put out your own Ep?" Dre said and I looked around I could tell by the looks on their faces, even if I did say no it wouldn't make a difference.

"Ok I'll try it." I said and cheered and I rolled my eyes what did I get myself into?

The next two weeks I spent every moment I wasn't in school in the studio. Me, Kira, and Tianna graduated 3 days ago to that was one less load off my plate. Kira was being my ride or die as always, through this recording process, while Tianna was nowhere to be found. Well unless Eazy was around, and I have to say I'm surprised they have lasted this long.

In the two weeks I recorded 4 more songs to go with 'Killing me Softly', 'That thing', '4 page letter' 'Don't let go' and 'So Good'. Dre and Yella were currently putting the finishing touches to it, and then it would hit the streets. I was so nervous

"Hey." Shea said pulling me from my thoughts

"Come on lets get outta here." He said and I nodded. Shea has really been there for me too. We left the studio a.k.a Alonzo's garage, then we walked over to his house

"Ma?" He called as we stepped in the house and got no answer.

"Come on." He said leading me into his room. I looked around and he had posters of Run D.M.C and L.L Cool J and a few other rappers

"Nice room." I said and he nodded then pulled me in for a kiss, he wrapped his arms around my waist, and wrapped my arms around his neck. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He sat on the bed with me on his lap. I felt his hand start to move under my shirt, and he started to kiss my neck. He laid back on the bed with me on top. I let out a moan as his hands moved up my back and he tried to unhook my bra, making me pull back

"What?" He asked

"I ain't never went this far." I said and he looked confused before he realized what I was talking about

"You're a vir-"

"Yes! " I snapped feeling embarrassed I started to get up but he held me in place

"It's cool."

"No it's not."

"It is I'm not gonna push you." He said looking into my eyes, and I felt my heart beating faster. Then I kissed him again, and he quickly responded, when the door busted open. I quickly got off Shea and looked at the door, where an a guy was standing there smirked.

"What's goin on in here Cube?" He asked smirking

"Niecy this is my stupid ass older brother Corey. Corey this is my girl Shanice." Shea said and I blushed when he said 'My Girl'

Nice to meet you." He said with a smile

"You too."

"Get the fuck out." Shea snapped

"Aww Cube don't be like that in front of company." He said and Shea shoved him out the room and slammed the door. I laughed at the look on his face

"Your brother seems nice." I said and he rolled his eyes

"Come here." I said and he laid down on the bed next to me. I laid my head on his shoulder, and he wrapped his arms around me

"Thank you for holding me down these past two weeks." I said

"I'm glad you decided to do it, it's gonna blow up."

"Yours too." I said and he shook his head

"I'm serious ya'll gonna big bigger than Compton too talented not to." I said

"So we goin to the top?"


"You know you comin to right?"

"I am?"

"Most def. if I'm goin you comin with me." He said and I leaned up and kissed him

Nothing Even Matters (O'Shea Jackson Jr/ Ice Cube)Where stories live. Discover now