prologue one

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credits for the picture above all go the the rightful owner and not me

a/n : the prologues aren't necessary and it isn't a must that you read them but if you want a little background story then by all means read on ❤️

a/n : the prologues aren't necessary and it isn't a must that you read them but if you want a little background story then by all means read on ❤️

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It was currently four in the morning. Birds twittered. Trees sung. People yelled, cried, laughed, yawned. This was the city where nobody slept, nor woke.

The sun reluctantly decided that it was time to crawl up out of the corners, despite being well aware that the people in this city did not care whether it was light or dark, to spread it's golden rays everywhere for another tiring day and also to wish a very good morning, to those below.

It gazed upon the insomniacs, slightly disgusted, as they wandered impotently around, like zombies.

It's observation of the place came to an end, as the star finally peered over, at a young girl climbing her way to the top of a mountain, moss clinging to her mountain boots, her white blouse swaying to the music of the wind. She was a small one, so it seemed. Her backpack seemed to weigh more than her, as she struggled with the extra weight.

Although she seemed to be struggling, the child was wearing the brightest of smiles on her face. A strange smile. It seemed too...fake, perhaps, and extremely far-fetched as the child contorted her lips into an amused, toothy grin. But the sun wasn't convinced - her cheeks were not so compromising as the rest of her face.

Her glittering eyes appeared to be, however, quite the opposite of the childish, petite image that she was merely trying to convey. Brown, like the earth after a heavy rainfall. Dark, like the lonesome shadows left behind in the darkness. Mysterious.

Well, she definately stood out. Catching a young child out here, although it had happened before, was a rare case, indeed. For this was no ordinary mountain. On top of it, according to tell-tales, were treasures one could only dream of. And that, my dear friends, is what our young protagonist was presumably after.

What it was she was specifically after, I don't know.

She prefers to keep on a bright front, you see, while she hides all her secrets away.

Oh, well. Would you look at that?

The young girl seemed to have found herself in a pickle. It was needless to say that she had somehow gotten trapped. Her right leg had somehow gotten jammed in between two huge rocks, as she was climbing.

She sighed, expecting this as she reached for her foot, with her free hand, her other hand clutching onto a branch of wood, that was covered in moss. When she realised she couldn't physically pull out her leg with her arm, she let out an even bigger sigh.

Oh dear.

However will she get out of this one?

She smiled brightly...

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