UA Sports Festival

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Shinsou's POV
"It's time for the next match! Shoto Todoroki vs. (Y/N) Kubo!"

Midnight's voice rang through the stadium. Hitoshi perked when he heard her name. It was the Semifinals. Whoever won this match would continue to on to fight that asshole Bakugou kid.
He was glad the crowd didn't boo her this time. During her first match, some asshole in the crowd threw stuff at her and called her "Villain Spawn" and soon after a lot of the crowd joined in and started booing her. Luckily Aizawa got on the stadium mic and defended her and called out the asshole that started it all. It made him sad how she reacted. No surprise, just acceptance, like she expected it to happen.

Kubo had won her previous matches easily and quickly. He wondered how she would fair against Todoroki since he was a big stand out in the festival so far.

"Ready? BEGIN!"
"Holy shit!" Hitoshi muttered under his breath as Kubo effortlessly shattered an ice attack from Todoroki.
"I had no idea she was this powerful." He thought.
Whenever Todoroki sent out a huge blast of Ice Kubo would deflect it and throw a blast of pure energy his way. The entire stadium was on the edge of their seats.

The match was brutal and had been going on for almost 15 minutes. Hitoshi could tell the teachers were about to step in since both of you were in pretty bad shape. Earlier in the match, Kubo had dislocated her left shoulder, but before the teachers could step in she had popped it back into place and screamed: "Is that all you got?!" She was a legit badass and Hitoshi was really starting to admire her tenacity.

Kubo and Todoroki were on opposite sides of the battleground and started running at each other full force. Todoroki starting on a huge ice wall and Kubo generating a giant force field. Cementoss quickly created a wall between the two of them causing Todoroki to pull back, but Kubo didn't slow down.

She demolished the cement wall, the ice wall and forced Todoroki out of bounds in one fell swoop. She landed in front of Todoroki's unconscious body, the camera showed her on the giant screen. She was covered in cuts and bruises, but she still had a victorious smile. She went to take a step forward but her leg snapped and she screamed in pain as she collapsed to the ground which made his heart skip a beat.

The teachers rushed up to the two of them along with the medical team. There was some deliberation between them, then Midnight's voice came over the stadium speaker.

"Todoroki was forced out of bounds. However, Kubo's injuries are too severe for her to compete. Therefore Todoroki will move on to the next round!"

"What?!" Hitoshi stood up and clenched his fists. "That's bullshit! She beat him fair and square!"
He couldn't believe the crowd was cheering. And he knew it was just because she had villain parents. If she had hero parents or even just regular parents she would be more popular than Bakugou and Todoroki combined.
"I only met this girl a few hours ago. Why the hell do I care so much?" He thought to himself as he watched her unconscious body be taken off the field.
"Should I go check on her? Would that be weird?" Hitoshi's thoughts were all over the place. He stared off into space and let his internal debate rage on.
"Fuck it." He said and headed to Recovery Girl's Office.
~Your POV~
"This is such bullshit!" You sat on one of the beds in Recovery Girl's office while your dad Kaito and Aizawa tried to calm you down.
"So just because I snapped my leg in half I can't compete?!"
"Kubo, listen to what you're saying."
Aizawa said. "You're in no condition to-"
You cut him off. "I've had way worse and was able to fight then!" You looked to your dad who looked at you sadly. "(Y/N) you had no choice then. Trust me, this isn't because we don't believe you can, we just want to put your health first."

Tears of frustration welled up in your eyes. "You both know that I have to work 10x harder than anyone at this school because of who my parents are." You choked back a sob. "This was supposed to be my shot."

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