Just Talk To Her

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It was lunchtime at UA. The cafeteria was crowded and noisy as usual. Shinsou poked at his food and watched the hoards of students come in and out as he sat with his friend Haru Imada. Imada was also in general studies with Shinsou but was looking to work his way into the support course.

"Hey Shinsou."
Shinsou blinked a few times after being snapped back to reality and quirked a brow at Imada. "Mmm?"
"Your girlfriend just walked in." Imada grinned and nodded to the main entrance.
Shinsou perked up and turned around to see Kubo walking into the cafeteria followed by that electricity kid and that tape kid from class 1A. She was talking and laughing with them as they walked over to order food. Shinsou sighed as he felt his heart flutter at the sight of her. It should be illegal to be that pretty.

"She's not my girlfriend." Shinsou muttered as he tore his eyes away from her to slump back down in his seat. "We worked together in the Calvary battle and talked once since then."
Imada rolled his eyes. "Yeah, and she offered to train you. Why haven't you taken her up on the offer yet? It's been almost 2 weeks dude." Imada shoved more rice in his mouth while he stared Shinsou down.

He shrugged as doubt overtook him. "I don't know. She was probably just being nice."
Imada rolled his eyes. "Even if she was 'just being nice' a lot of Hero course hopefuls would kill to train with her. She's one of the best fighters in the whole school."
Shinsou sighed and gave up trying to eat his food.
"If she was just being nice I don't want to waste her time."
That was only part of the reason he hadn't taken her up on the offer to train. The main reason was so stupid and was too embarrassed to admit it. But unfortunately for Shinsou, Imada was a human lie detector.
"You're so full of shit Shinsou." Imada said throwing a balled up napkin at him.
He chuckled. "Completely."

Shinsou looked back over to Kubo who was several tables over sitting with a bunch of dudes from her class. She had a ton of food on her tray and was going to town making her cheeks resemble a chipmunk. Shinsou let a soft smile creep onto his face as he watched her. "She's so damn cute."
His thoughts were broken by Imada chopping him on the head.
"Oh my god just talk to her you dingus!" Imada groaned. "I'm sick of you staring at her every day and not saying anything. You already know you two have a bunch in common so why won't you train with her?"

Shinsou scowled at his friend. "Okay fine! It's because I don't know shit about fighting."
Imada rolled his eyes. "No shit Sherlock! That's the whole point of training with her!"
Shinsou let out a frustrated sigh and ran his hands through his hair.
"Ooooohhhh, I get it." Imada smirked at his friend as things clicked together in his head. "You're afraid you'll embarrass yourself."

Shinsou buried his face in his hands while Imada cackled. "Eh, I can't say I blame you. You are shit at fighting and she's super hot."
"Wow, you're really good at that whole 'reassuring your friend' thing. I feel sooooo much better." Shinsou said flicking him off.
"Haha! Alright alright, how about this? I took Judo classes in middle school. Maybe I can teach you a few things that I remember."
Shinsou perked up. "R-really?"
Imada held up a finger. "Only if you agree you'll fucking talk to her. The whole 'pining for a girl across the room' thing is getting old."
~Your POV~
The last bell rang and everyone was gathering up their things to go home. It was Friday night so you planned to do all your homework that evening and then have the rest of the weekend free. Of course, the only plans you had were to train and marathon X-Files all weekend, alone, as usual.

You were walking to the door when you heard someone call your name.
"Kubo! Wait up!" Uraraka ran up to you looking flustered with Tsu following close behind.
You stopped and stepped out of the way so you wouldn't block the doorway. "Hey guys. What's up?"
"You're good with all these hero laws right?" She asked twiddling her thumbs.
You nodded and smiled sheepishly. "Yeah, I have a decent grasp on them." You had pretty much all of them memorized, but you didn't want to seem big headed.
"We were wondering if you would be willing to help us out?"
"Yeah, we're struggling a little bit." Tsu added.
You were taken back for a moment. They wanted you of all people to help them? "Yeah, sure! If you guys want you can come over to my place to study."
Uraraka and Tsu beamed at you. "That'd be great!"

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