Wristlocks and Coffee

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~Shinsou's POV~
"Hey Imada! Wait up!" Shinsou called out running up to his brunette friend.
"Hey Shinsou! Feeling alright after yesterday?" Imada asked.
"Yeah yeah. I'm alright." He said brushing him off.

The two of them trained the day before to get Shinsou ready for his training with Kubo. Shinsou also ripped Imada a new asshole for inadvertently make Kubo think he had a girlfriend. He made Imada promise that he would fix it first thing on Monday which was today.

The pair walked up to the school and Shinsou scoured the crowd of students to see if he saw Kubo anywhere. No luck.
"Relax man! You're not training with her until after school. I'll tell her by then."
"You better." He grumbled.
"You gonna ask her out during training or something?" Imada asked with a smirk.
Shinsou's flustered expression made Imada laugh.
"I-no-I just- just tell her okay? And don't be weird about it." Shinsou snapped.
Imada held up his hands in a defensive manner. "Don't worry man I'll be cool! Chill out."

Shinsou sat at his desk waiting for the first bell to ring and smiled as he re-read some of the texts Kubo and him had sent back and forth over the weekend.

The two of them talked practically non stop about music, books, and movies they were into. He had checked out the band she recommended and was now obsessed with them. He was also happy that she felt the same way about his band recommendations. They had a ton in common and he really enjoyed talking to her. His head perked up and looked towards the door when he heard her voice echo down the hallway.

She walked by with that Uraraka girl chatting about something or other. Her long ponytail swaying as she walked. Imada stood up and started to run after her when she reappeared in the doorway. Imada was about to crash into her, but she was able to dodge him. He scooted to the stop and turned back around panting. "Hey, Kubo!"
She smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her neck. "Hi! Um, I'm so sorry, but have we met?"

"That's my friend Imada." Shinsou said hurrying over to them.
"Oh! So this is Imada." She held out her hand to Imada who shook it.
"Yeah, we haven't met yet so don't feel sorry."
She let out a relieved sigh. "Good. I was feeling like such an asshole thinking that had met before and I didn't remember your name."

"Wow, didn't think any of you kids from hero course had the capability to think about anyone other than yourselves." A blonde girl said glaring at Kubo.
Ohera was the only one in class besides Shinsou and Imada who wasn't on edge by Kubo's presence. She quirked a brow and studied Ohera but remained silent. It was like she was sizing her up and figuring out what made her tick.
"Hey cool it Ohera. Not everyone from the hero course is like that." Shinsou snapped.
"Eh, some of us are." Shinsou and Imada's gazes snapped back to Kubo who shrugged. "Don't get me wrong, I like my classmates and the mean well, but some of them definitely have the tendency to be a bit self-absorbed. I guess that's what happens when you're laser-focused on becoming a hero."

The rest of the general studies class chuckled as they visibly relaxed.
"Not every day someone from the hero course actually owns up to being an asshole." Ohera said.
Kubo chuckled. "Yeah, it's a rare sight to see." She turned back to Shinsou. "Are we still good to train after school today?"
"Yeah! Definitely. Looking forward to it." Shinsou smiled at her.
"Awesome! I get to teach you that wrist lock I pulled on you the other day." She beamed as she clenched her fist.
"Why are you so cute?" Shinsou thought as he watched her laugh.
The bell rang and echoed through the halls. Kubo turned around and headed out the door. "See ya later!" She said with a wave and disappeared.

"Totally forgot to tell her you were single." Imada said.
Shinsou sighed and facepalmed. "Damnit."
It was finally lunch time. Shinsou had been racking his brain all morning how either he or Imada could tell Kubo that he didn't have a girlfriend without being completely weird and awkward. No solution yet.

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