Chapter 32

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Morning came too quickly.

Dragon beats echoed through the caves as dragons started to leave, loud enough to awaken the six dragons whom were now peering around nervously. Not wanting to so much as go near the humans.

Unease prickled down my back. Thanatos must have told them our plans by now. Which meant that escape was not only inevitable, but... we'd all be punished.

"We should go," I declared at last, purposefully avoiding their gazes. "The humans will not be happy if we are late."

Not that they'd be happy anyways.

Beside me, Rutilus stretched his golden wings before staggering to his feet reluctantly. Not once did he utter any words, instead holding my gaze for a few long seconds.

"So?" the green drake snorted, resting his head on his talons. Dark green eyes staring fiercely at me, he added,"what about us? If this is the so called 'city of dragons', shouldn't we be happy? Do as we want?"

I paused, talons digging into the ground. "One would think so... But no, we answer to the humans."

Smoke coiled from the green drake's jaws as he lashed his tail. But he did not utter another word until he too, was standing. Waiting to leave the cave.

More dragons slowly stood up, ready - but unwilling - to leave the cave. None wanted to face the humans, not after last night.

But what choice did we have? Better go now, then risk an even more severe punishment...

"Come," I sighed at last, even as I leapt into the air and flew through the cavern. "I'll show you where to go."

Again, the dragons remained silent, their eyes dark. Even Rutilus was quiet, anxiously scanning the busying streets of Azarin for any sign of the queen.

It did not take long to reach the plaza. Though the sun had barely risen above the horizon, a large group of humans awaited, including the queen and Lord Carlos.

Stomach churning uneasily, I reluctantly landed, watching the queen's expression as I did so. But the queen gaze nothing away, not a hint of emotion on her pale face as her green eyes watched us sharply.

"Good morning," she finally greeted, scanning each of us carefully before turning towards me. "Thank you, Argentum, for bringing them here. You may carry on with your duties with Lord Carlos."

I blinked at her. Dismissing me, just like that? That wasn't right. Unless... the duties she had mentioned was the punishment.

Nervously, I swivelled my head towards the lord, noting the way he casually strolled towards me and climbed onto my back - as though it was just a normal day.

As though maybe they didn't know of our hopes, our plans to escape.

"Fly," the lord direction, his heels lightly digging into my flank. Not daring to disobey, I hurriedly spread my wings and launched into the sky. Every beat of my wings carried my higher; further away from the six anxious dragons that waited below.

Even further away from the city, the lord directed me using commands or gentle prompts. Would he have done that if he knew that I'd been planning to escape last night?

Surely not! And the other humans had also seemed just as oblivious. Hope stirred within me. Was it possible that Thanatos had not told them of our plans? Had remained silent like we'd pleaded?

But why would he do that? Only months ago, he'd been too eager to hunt us down, kill us - and now he was hiding information that would surely get us punished from the humans. What had changed?

"Raffael must be jealous," Lord Carlos abruptly declared, but even the roaring wind could not obscure the satisfaction, pride or arrogance in his voice. "He couldn't fly like this until he'd been with his dragon for a year - and here we are, only having known each other for a few months."

If only you knew why, I chuckled to myself, shaking my head slowly.

But, from the corner of my eye, I saw Lord Carlos's brows furrow into a frown, his blue eyes shadowed. "Maybe, with you by my side, I'll be able to earn more respect from the queen... and everyone else. Stop living under his shadow."

Strange that he said that - I'd thought that he was the elder of the two. Not that it really mattered.

Snorting, I pumped my wings harder, enjoying the feel of the cool wind rushing past my scales.

"It may not seem like it, but I am trying, you know," the lord sighed after a few moments of silence. "Trying to learn that strange language of yours, but all I hear are growls and grunts...  at this rate, it will take years."

Instead of answering him, I sped up. There was no point answering; he would not understand - and I didn't really care that much either. By the time he started to understand dragons, I would be long gone.

Especially if our escape plan was successful.

The escape plan - that Thanatos knew about. Would he remain silent, or had he simply just not had the opportunity to tell the humans yet? Either way, I needed to know. If there was any chance that he could help us, then maybe we'd stand a chance.

Wind roared past me, drowning out Lord Carlos's  words. With a powerful lash of my tail, I stared into the sky beyond me, my resolve strengthening with every wingbeat.

As soon as we returned to the city, I would confront the dark green dragon. Even if he was going to tell the humans - I needed to know.


944 words

Short chapter and it's been a month. So sorry! I have been busy - school has started up again, assignments and all!

But holidays are rapidly approaching again (four more weeks), and I'm hoping to get a lot done then. I am aiming to have Apex finished by June - or earlier.

Please do drop a vote and/or comment if you enjoyed!


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