chapter eighteen

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Unknown person's pov

It was next day of school. I saw tzuyu coming to school with her sister and they bumping into their boyfriends.
They ignored them and went to the class. Taehyung knows why Sana was ignoring him but jungkook.. he looked confused.
He doesn't know that tzuyu saw everything...
I was going to tell him what happened when out of the blue, the bell rang so I headed to the class
I will tell him later..

Sana's pov

Me and tzuyu went to school today without our boyfriends.. still we bumped to them. I ignored tae and went towards the class. But I got shocked of tzuyu's action.
I thought she would be heading with Jungkook to the class but she ignored him just like how I did. And even jungkook was shocked.
I was about to ask her when the bell rang. So I decided to ask her why later and headed to the class.

Jungkook's pov

Me and hyung were heading to our class when we bumped into tzuyu and noona. As expected noona ignored hyung but I was dumbfounded when tzuyu  ignored me..
Wait..what happened.. is she ignoring me just because I shouted her??.. no.. That's not all.. she looked mad as if I was cheating on her.. wait.. did she found out about what happened and misunderstands me??.. no.. that's not possible.. she wasn't there..
So many thoughts were running in my mind.. I don't know what to do..  the bell rang and hyung headed to class.
I didn't feel like going so I skipped the class and went to the rooftop. I sat at the bench.
Why tzuyu.. just why.. what did I do.. please tell me..
Tears ran to my cheeks as my heart felt like it was stabbed by a knife..

Tzuyu's pov

I ignored jungkook and headed to class. I'm sure they all are confused but I don't care...
Unnie was right.. we shouldn't have ever trusted those playboys..
Tears ran through my cheeks as I thought of him.
"Yah.. why are you crying? Did something happen?" Chaeyoung.
"I'm not. It's just that something went to my eyes.. I'm fine" me.
" Oh okay.. by the way.. where is jungkook?" Dahyun.
" Yeah.. I can't see him" chaeyoung.
I couldn't hold it anymore and cried..
" Tzuyu why- what happened?? Why are you crying?" Dahyun
" It's nothing.. leave me alone for a while" me
I went out of the class before the teacher comes.. I went to the toilet and washed my face.. I looked at myself in the mirror..
I looked terrible.. i had dark circles and I was looking pale..
I went out of the toilet.. I didn't feel like going to class.
I didn't have the courage to see him so I went to the rooftop.
I couldn't stop thinking about what happened last night.
I arrived to the rooftop. I thought I would be alone there but as soon as I arrived, I found out I was wrong.
Jungkook was there.. the one whom I didn't want to see.
He saw me and stood up. He looked like he was crying. And soon as I saw him, I started to cry too.
I turned around to go when he held my hand.
" Tzuyu.. what happened?.. why are you ignoring me?" Jungkook.
" Leave me my hand" me.
" I won't as long as u don't tell me" jungkook.
" Oh really.. why don't you think what happened?" Me.
" are you angry with me because I shouted at you? Or is it something else" jungkook.
I yanked my hand and stepped back.
" Do you really love me?" Me.
" Wha- tzuyu.. I love you.. more than anyone else.. please stop being angry with me" he acted as if he couldn't hold me anymore and was crying.
" Please jungkook.. it's enough..  stop acting for god sake.. I can't hold it anymore.. unnie was right jungkook.. I shouldn't have trusted a playboy.. I shouldn't have.." me.
I turned around and ran. Jungkook kept calling me but I didn't even look for one moment.
And suddenly everything turned black.

Hello guys.. hope u guys like this chapter.. I will be updating every Friday.. just to inform you guys..

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